am i loosing my milk


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Well, i couldnt feed bailey for 17 hours after my operation, cos they messed up and had to go bck down to theatre 4 hours after i got bck, i had 2 lots of general to get rid off before i could feed him... i tried pumping after i got bck in the morning but nothing came out, so i tried again 3 hours later to only get 20 mls.. i tried again at 9 pm last night 1 hour after surgery to get 20mls again out of both sides..

i feel really disheartned by this i tried feeding him in the morning and he was not intrested..
ive been trying all day and he is prefering bottles, is it because hes gone so long without suckling off me.. if it is then im gonna add that to my complaint...

Im going to perservere though in the hope he latches and has a good feed..
my boobs dont even feel full anymore, so am i loosing it now..
Aw hun, there are lots of ways to boost your supply, make sure you are drinking LOADS for a start, and eating lots of oats. There are also herbal suppliments you can buy

get him latched on whenever you can, put your feet up and let him feed all day i you can and your supply will increase.
Get as much support as you can, get in touch with you health visitor and find a lactation consultant.

Drink lots, buy some fenugreek and put him on as much as you can.


You can do it! :cheer:
Tasha20 said:
Get as much support as you can, get in touch with you health visitor and find a lactation consultant

where do i find one of those.. :think:

thanks girls, i appreciate the advice, ive just tried him again and he suckled :cheer: but spat it out :rotfl:
Aww, sweetie, dont give up. Just keep putting him on the breast - the more he suckles, the more your supply is likely to increase.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

I used fenugreek when my supply dropped after being ill. This worked nicely in getting my supply back up. I bought it from Holland and Barrett. however not all Holland and Barretts stock them so it might be worth phoning through first. Something to do with zoning?
Hey hun,

feenix is a BFing peer support councillor, she pm'd me earlier about my wanting to start BFing again. I am sure she would be able to help. I am quite surprised at how much Seb stayed on me to get some milk and its been 5 weeks since I stopped feeding him myself and hardly have any at the mo. I am only starting again cause I could still get drops out. Keep trying I know I will be :hug: :hug:

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