Am I huge???


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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Peolple keep telling me I am really big (mainly all the men in work). I dont feel really big, and I dont have a nice round bump yet. I see other pregnant ladies that are about 8 months and Im not nearly as big as that yet - it is really starting to depress me, I struggled with an eating disorder a while ago and dont like people commenting on my weight/body at all. I am eating healthy now and dont want to think about weight gain but its really hard when people keep pointing it out :evil: - what do you think? Here is a photo of me at 22 weeks.

Then sometimes I think maybe they are right, I am massive and I just cant see it ???
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Ella ignore them hun. I'm exactly the same dates as you and my bump/weight gain is bigger than yours so don't worry.

Just keep eating healthily :hug:
Well you look smaller than me.. And we're about the same gestation... Are you wearing close fitting maternity clothes, or baggy ones.. I wear baggy ones, and everyone comments how small I am for being 5 months pg...

It could also be that the men at work think you look big....but not in the tummy department...But get all embarrassed by your increasingly large boobies, that they say, tummy instead... and men being men, just have no idea that that's the worst thing to say to a pg woman. :wall: :wall:

But you are definitely not big... people say my aren't you getting big all the time and forget these are words that must never be spoken to a pg lady for fear of hormone uprisings, but honestly you aren't ... :hug: :hug: :hug: Honest... go look in the belly pictures sticky'll see that you are on the smaller side...
ella said:
Peolple keep telling me I am really big (mainly all the men in work). I dont feel really big, and I dont have a nice round bump yet. I see other pregnant ladies that are about 8 months and Im not nearly as big as that yet - it is really starting to depress me, I struggled with an eating disorder a while ago and dont like people commenting on my weight/body at all. I am eating healthy now and dont want to think about weight gain but its really hard when people keep pointing it out :evil: - what do you think? Here is a photo of me at 22 weeks.

Then sometimes I think maybe they are right, I am massive and I just cant see it ???

tell them all to fook off! how come people think its ok to comment on your size just coz you're pregnant! :x :x
You're a lovely size! Fook them!
Next time someone comments reply by making a personal comment about them! like

''oh i hadn't noticed what a big nose you have'' or
'gosh your arse looks big in those jeans'' or
''crikey are you trying to get in or out of that skirt?'' or
and this is a really good subtle one

''have you put weight on?'' :rotfl:

Go for it girl! :cheer:
Thanks so much girls, I feel much better :hug: :hug: I'm just going to ignore them, my baby needs a good home and I dont care what it looks like!!! We are all different. Think ill say this to the next one and watch him squirm!!!
''crikey are you trying to get in or out of that skirt?'' :rotfl: :rotfl:

You look lovely hun dont listen to them :D
I don't think you look huge at all, that is a lovely little bump.
I think you look just fine ! I personally think I am big. My DH thinks I am big, my mother thinks I am small, my MIL thinks I am huge! If you listened to everyone else you'd go completely mad!!! To be honest it doesnt matter what anyone else says, its how you feel that counts and the baby is safe and nurtured in there, no matter if you are big or small, isnt that the most important thing really?
you have a fab lil bump 8) most want to look big but look on the bright side its less to shift afterwards 8) , tell the men to go get stuffed :moon: :twisted: what do they know anyways, they all think they are 'huge' :wink: and we know their definition of huge dont we :lol: :lol:

this is me at 18 weeks ... d/bump.jpg

now I think thats huge :lol: and I wasnt exactly fat before hand either :shock: better be only one in there, or we will need bunk cots :lol:
cleocat said:
tell the men to go get stuffed :moon: :twisted: what do they know anyways, they all think they are 'huge' :wink: and we know their definition of huge dont we :lol: :lol:

:rotfl: yes we do!!! (your not huge, your bump is lovely)
leckershell said:
me at 25 weeks...

i think your shape is fine xx

Your so tiny leckershell, how are you getting on being a mum? Is it all fun or is really hard work for a while too??
You're bump looks anything but big! You have a lovely little bump forming there hunny. And hat do mean know? They think if you ain't a size 6, legs up to the sky n big boos, that you;re fat. Ignore the idiots! My bump didn;t come through till I was about 28 weeks, it grew out of no where!
Your bump looks perfect! I think people just want to have something to say.
What do men know about bumps?
My bump and 22 weeks was aliitle bigger, but now at 26 weeks I am huge, as people keep telling me!
ella said:
leckershell said:
me at 25 weeks...

i think your shape is fine xx

Your so tiny leckershell, how are you getting on being a mum? Is it all fun or is really hard work for a while too??


it's mostly hard work at the moment, but the little grunty noises and attempts at smiles make it all worth it...

:) x
I'm way bigger than you and look at my ticker....... :shock:

You are naturally slim and have a good figure, i would say your bump is smaller rather than bigger. Its great!

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