am i hoping too much?

yeah only nine days now!!! ill probably test on day 10 or 11 if i havent come oN!

Im from Blackburn!
never been to blackburn! am origianally from oldham myself,have been living in ireland for 17 yrs,and no that doesnt meen i,m very old,lol,am 33,thats why the ttc thing is a bit more stressful this time round,with all the extra implications that come the nearer you get to 35,thats why i am really hoping things happen soon.when your younger you dont worry about things like that,well i didnt n e way.well i think that i am really feeling ovulation syptoms this month,(well i hope thats what it is,and not my imagination,lol).have you had n e thing out of the ordinary since ? 16 days to go for me,hope we can get the timing right this month,you never know we could be both chatting on a different sight this time next month(pregnancy forum) :pray: will keep fingers and toes crossed,talk soon. :wave:
hiya nikki sorry i havent had much time to come on last day or so..

im 21, been with my boyfriend for four years. he's 28

well its 8 days to go now, and yesterday, when i wiped there was a small amount of reddish/brownish discharge. much brighter than last time. got a little excited when i saw it, lol but it only happened the once. still off sex a lot, which is not normal for me. Also, had a couple of small dizzy spells - nothing much, just a second or so, but not sure if thats my imagination or not..

incredibly hungry too - yesterday i cant believe how much i ate! or today! and its only one o clock!!

yesterday had crumpets for brekkie, then biscuits, then went franky n bennies for lunch, then had some crisps, thand i had mcdonalds! (a large meal!) and then chocolate when i got home! and i was like, where the hell is it going? why havent i thrown up by now? lol
and today i had 3 hot chocolates, a huge fry up and now just had a galaxy!
thats not like me at all! still thinking about what im gonna have for tea! lol

hmmm.... :roll:

anyway nikki, maybe your right, in about 9 months we will both still be chatting and comparing our little ones lol KFC!! :pray:
really getting excited for you now,it is looking good.the discharge you had really does sound at this stage that it could have been an implantation bleed,really hope it was. :pray: ,also dizzy spells can be a sign too,as for the amount your eating!!!! even i cant wait to find out if you are now.still keeping fingers soon.
well decided to go out for tea, and ill probably still be eating after that loL!

just had a few more dizzy spells. happened quite a bit today which is weird.

just been to asda too, and got a pregnancy test but im promising myself im not going to do it, even though its gonna be so tempting!!

i really hope i get a positive when i do though, i want it so much. and im excited for you too, keeping my fingers crossed for both of us! xx
update -

was a pig yesterday lol :oops: never stopped eating, or today.

anyway, few more dizzy spells last night and couple this morning. never usually happens...
driving home this morning i had a slight pain at the bottom of my stomach which lasted 45 seconds to a minute-ish.
had it again just half an hour ago.

also incredibly tired. cant seem to stay awake past 9ish!
im beginning to lose a bit of hope now, because ive spent most of this morning reading through this forum and a lot of people have had these symptoms but then came on their period,, so im guessing its just all in my head! :wall:
i know what you mean you begin to think about every thing so much you dont know whats real and whats wishful thinking,i know its hard but try not to drive yourself mad thinking abt it,(easier said than done i know).and as for what you read abt other people,just keep telling yourself everyones different.only 7 days to go,wont be long,keep on smiling. :D
yeah ur right.... if its not this month then its gonna be another month. if it happens it happens yeah? :pray:

anyway, ive been reading about baby aspirin. is it just normal aspirin and does it really help? :think:
Hi Chelsea

Just wanted tolet you know one of my first signs was going off sex, it was just like a switch had been switched off inside me for no reason, it happened with my 1st dd and i've just found out i'm pregnant again and it happened this time too.

I had a few other symptoms too like tiredness dizzyiness eating etc and i would bet anything on it you get your bfp.

Do you think the 1st bit of brown cm could have been ovulation and the 2nd lot implantation??

When r u going to test, i'd say go for it but thats cause i'm eager to hear your news and a huge POAS addict :D

i'll be watching this space for your test results :wink:

babydust to you and to you nikki
thanks moomoo!
iv done a test, negative, but i suppose its quite early!
are you trying moomoo?
thanks moo moo. sorry chelsea havent heard anything abt the baby aspirin thing.its so hard not to do the test when you have one there,your probly right it was to early,hopefully the next one will bring good news :pray: wont be long now.(5 days and counting)
Hi Chelsea

Yes we were trying, i got a proper pos hpt yesterday, dunno if you read my post on the boards but for about the last week i've been getting very light pos's which i could only just make out which was really confusing anyway i was happier with the one i got yesterday and i got a doc appointment tomorrow. I only came of my pill on feb 4th so i was pretty shocked myself at it being so quick, i was expecting a few more months of trying yet lol, of course dh is happy but not so much cause my sex drive has gone again! :shock:

I just read thru this whole thread again and i am sooooo sure you had ov bleed and implant bleed, i sooooooooo think this is it for you girl, i'll rub some of my luck off onto you and to nikki of course (rub, rub, blooooowwww there you go, you got it? lol)

So do either of you 'feel' different? With my first i just had so much backache and felt like i had gone thru a period without bleeding. I dont usually get any pain till either the 1st day i bleed or the 2nd day but with all of my pregnancies my backache was always hanging around from just after Ovulation.

i remember too having funny tummy pains, sometimes when i coughed i'd get a really sharp pain around my ovarie area. i too felt like i'd done lots of crunchies with my lower tummy muscles.

oh well i guess i'd better get on i expect i'm starting to bore you.

babydust to you both
congrats moo moo :cheer: am really delighted for you,its great to here when someone has done it,and in record time too.i came off depo inj and didnt get my period for 8 months,finally got a period oct 06 and then nothing until jan 07 so we started trying then,have been getting them regular since then so am pretty certain i am ovulating(fingers crossed)am not feeling n e thing as yet,but am only finished ovulating,just playing the waiting game now :roll: (again),am really delighted for you,let us know how u get on 2moro. :hug:
12 days for you nikki!

just found out today that my boyfriends sister is 7 weeks pregnant :dance: but also :wall: for me lol

i was on depo 2 years ago and came off and didnt have a period for months and then had one but it lasted 3 weeks! but since then theyve been like clockwork so KFC! :pray:
were your periods regular b4 you went on depo? as mine werent, i know its weird but i always only had a period every 6/8 wks,(thats why it has been always hard for me to concieve in the past).but since coming off depo,whan i eventually got them,they have been regular as clock work,which dont get me wrong is great,but still for me a little on the suspicious side!!!!!!
yeah, i didnt ever mark off the calendar or know what date i was due on, but it always seemed to be around 4 weeks. never had many problems except when i came off depo, but alwys been normal all my life. and i was an early starter. i started on my 10th birthday! lol was a nice suprise! :lol:
Thanks girls.

i was never a regular girl :( my cycle used to go something like 4 wks. 6. 3. 8. 4. 12 etc etc sometimes i never even O'd :? so goes to show you don't need to be regular but it helps with the waiting game, i used to get so stressed just waiting to O then i'd have the 2ww it was so frustrating.

Are either of you charting or checking CM/CP?? I've got a great informative site,on absolutely EVERYTHING about ttc, i'll pm you it if you'd like me to just let me know?

Chelsea i forgot to say earlier don't worry about the BFN its probably just to early :wink:
yeah that wud be helpful moomoo, thanks...

i did another test this morning using FMU and i couldnt tell if there was a faint line or not. i could only see half of a line but it was so so so faint im not sure if my eyes were making the line lol

didnt get excited cos im thinking its my mind playing tricks! :wall:
yeah thanks moo moo,every bit of info helps,am only charting cm,tryed the bbt but kept forgeting to do it! i,m sure your not imagining faint line chelsea,a faint line is better than no line,and it wont be long b4 you know for sure,still kfc :pray:
i havent been charting anything, but i plan to if it doesnt happen this month.

i think it was my mind playing tricks this morning. it was so so faint.

im gonna be so embarassed if it turns out to be BFN!!

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