Am i having a period or Implantation??


Dec 3, 2011
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Hi Everyone i am new to this site today. I am curruntly TTC
I have two healthy little boys age 5 and 20 months, I lost my daughter on the 28th december 2010, she was born sleeping at 21 weeks :-( I have since been TTc for 8 months, and it hasnt happened, I have had one chemical pregnancy during this time, but no joy on a BFP.

Well iv been getting to know my body, and becoming more and more desperate each month.
I started spotting pink 7 days ago, upset, but stopped that evening, so i built my hopes up for implantation, The next morning AF arrrived, i was so upset, And she stayed for 2 days, then i stopped till the following morning, then she came back for another day so 3 days of mid flow in totall. And since then now on day 7 i just keep having pink when i wipe. its not on my nickers.

when AF arrives normally, its just straight away heavy and crampy for 7 days straight, i have never stopped and started or spotted before, This time it wasnt crampy and it wasnt heavy, just 3 days of medium,and there was also alot of stringy CM just like the EWCM when u ouvulate? i POAS today and it was BFN, so im just wondering for advice. do u think i just need to accept that The witch got me? or shud i go docs on monday? or should i test again, I dont know if i have a gut instict im pg, or its just wishfull thinking? Iv only ever had IB once with my 2nd son it lasted one day at 5 weeks and again at 9 weeks,
Iv done nothing but google all morning about periods and pregnancy. I want my BFp so much, My arms are so empty with my little girl in then :(

Thank you for reading x
anybody, experienced what they thought was Af and ended up being pregnant? x
I think it was AF that got u hun. Not every AF is the same, and we're always more aware of them when we're TTC.
Maybe keep an AF journal so u know exactly what's been going on?
But if no AF next month, try to POAS again.


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Thank you. I think the spotting has stopped now, so heres to another month! x
Fx for u hun :) xx

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Just updating. I had my weird af and am suffering pregnancy symtpoms, from smell to tender breasts, But took a cb digi today and im not pregnant, so it must be stress! fx for my bfp end of this month. x

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