Im 8 weeks pregnant today and so much has happened since finding out at 5 weeks. i bled at 5 weeks and was told id miscarried, but then it went on, then at 6wk 5, i bled again but just for an hour, if that. i went to A&E and they did a scan which showed nothing at all. told again that id miscarried.
They took my bloods which were only at 392. Very low. 2 days later they rose to 654, then again rose to 850 another 48hr later. Still having scans and showing nothing during these few days. the day after i got the 850, i was taken in for a suspected eptopic and they performed surgery, but found nothing..still pregnant but dont know where.
4 days later my HCG levels dropped to 562. obviously not a good sign. going back tomorrow for more to see if they are dropping 'as they should'. does this mean im miscarrying.
Im praying and hoping they'll go up - just kidding myself i know, but ill do anything to hold onto my baby
Thanks for listening
Kelly xx

They took my bloods which were only at 392. Very low. 2 days later they rose to 654, then again rose to 850 another 48hr later. Still having scans and showing nothing during these few days. the day after i got the 850, i was taken in for a suspected eptopic and they performed surgery, but found nothing..still pregnant but dont know where.
4 days later my HCG levels dropped to 562. obviously not a good sign. going back tomorrow for more to see if they are dropping 'as they should'. does this mean im miscarrying.
Im praying and hoping they'll go up - just kidding myself i know, but ill do anything to hold onto my baby
Thanks for listening
Kelly xx