am i getting my hopes up again??

lololol!!! my hubbys the same, a strange blend of curious and terrified!! I am just so chuffed to know im not the only one who pees on sticks like its going out of fashion!!lol!! :D funny cos i was always soooooo adament i wouldnt turn into a women possessed but having a baby, but that is exactly what you become isnt it!?! our bathroom looks like a medical lab with all the sticks for this and that, bottles of vitamins etc etc :rotfl: keep wondering, how did i get to this point!!
totally agree with you both, dont know what I would be like now if i hadnt been able to talk to you lot on here, havent really made it a secret that we are trying but the one friend who i was talking to about it all fell pg 4 months ago and its kinda akward to talk to her about it now, so thanks to all of you on here than listen! :hug:
sorry you got another BFN but as you say prob too early to show up yet? do you normally get AF symptoms this early? Oh is going to docs next friday i think as he can get his swimmers tested then im gonna think about going in a month or so if nothing happens, its kinda frightening though isnt it, what if they find something wrong :pray:
i know, i think that..... what if. but i reckon its better to have some answers than no answers, at least then you can start to look for a solution.(hopefully)im always convinced that if theres a problem then its bound to be me, hubby says thats crazy to think that way but you cant really help yourself can you? i always wonder if men think about it as much as we do?i know i try not to talk about it too much incase i drive him up the wall!!
its such a releif to here that others feel the same way :hug:

i find it hard to talk to OH about it as he says it will happen when its supposed to happen and tells me not to drive myself round then bend with it, oops! :rotfl: too late for that! i think they must think about it but you know what men are like, hate talking about things like that dont they. also i found that when i was telling him everything it was all too much pressure for him and he couldnt perform. (was just thinking that hope he doesnt read any of this! :oops: )

yeah had the same thoughts muffin, better to know than not to know and at least you can deal with it if there is a problem. lets hope there isnt :pray: would be worth booking an appointment though if dreaded AF arrives, lets hope not :wink:
i think we should start a new topic, "ways to titilate your man" lol, gods knows im running out of ideas!! :rotfl: bless them, must be hard when they know we want them for babymaking and nothing else alot of the time :think:
thats why its best they know as little as possible, so that they dont feel used! :rotfl: bless them!

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