am i getting my hopes up again??


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2006
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looking to all you wise ladies out there for advice!!if i ovulated it would have been late last week and over the weekend, and as of yesterday and even more today i feel really odd?!?! queasy,so very tired im fighting to keep my eyes open even though im sleeping solidly at night, had discomfort in my lower (right side) stomach and want to either throw something at my hubby or cuddle him!!(poor bloke!!)on top of all that i have had a horrible headache since sunday that wont quite go away. am i?? could i be???? we have been trying since xmas to concieve and i have used ov sticks constantly of which i have never had one thats been positive so i havent a clue if i am or not?????? hhelpppppppp, confused and tired!!
Hi Hun

there is always a possibility that you could be pregnant, how soon till you can take a test?
I have no idea about teh ovualtion strips so cant help you there.
Good luck hope you get a bfp
Hi Muffin when you say you've never had a positive OPK have you had any line at all? I never had a line as dark as the control line but got pregnant anyway so must have had my surge in the middle of the night. I've got my fingers crossed for you I also had similar symtons quite soon after ovulation :)
thanks guys, when i say ive never had a positive result from ovulation tests i mean i have never even had a faint line, havent a clue whether that means theres something wrong with me, im using the tests wrong or something else!?! am going to keep trying trying and see what this month brings me, if no babydust comes my way then i shall go see a doc. cant leave it forever, 33 in october and i can hear my clock ticking louder everyday!!
Hi Muffin, what OPK's are you using? cheapie ones or the expensive ones ? i know quite alot of people have had problems with the cheapies, they dont seem to be 100pct reliable, but not to even get a line at all? have been trying since xmas like you with no joy yet. not sure about the way you are feeling but was just interested about the OPK's....? good luck :hug:
hi emma, the opks i have been using are from ebay, i bought i HUGE amount of pregnancy tests and opks at the same time knowning full well i would become a pee stick aholic!!!they are the same ones that other people on here seem to use judgeing by the pictures posted, called canadian technology or something similar. in answer to your other question, how do i feel, dont know!my mood changes daily(or feels that way) :? im trying to keep upbeat about the fact this is taking so long but im trying to help things too, have got both me and hubby on vitamins and as we both really need to lose weight we are having loads of fruit and veg etc. dont smoke, have cut down on alcohol and try to be as active as possible. i did read a really good book recently that helped, cant remember the exact title but it was by Zita West, she really seems to know her stuff(was a midwife now runs a clinic helping couples concieve without too much medical intervention) Enough about me!how about you??have you seen a doc at all??(if you dont mind me asking) :hug:
mmm, not sure why you wouldnt be getting any lines at all, im using cheapies from ebay like most of the peestickaholics on here :lol: and so far mine seem to have been ok, could it be that you got a bad batch? as usually you get some sort of line as well as the test line even if it is very faint. last month when i OV my line wasnt as dark as the test line but def darker than the other days, unfortunately AF came on tuesday :wall: like you am trying to keep positive but it becomes very hard doesnt it :roll:

you sound pretty much like you are doing all the right things like me but still no joy :( . i havent been to see a doc as im under 30, was on the pill for about 10 years and only been trying for 8 months and they usually wont see you until you have been trying for over a year but if in a month or so's time still no joy then may have to fib a bit to get seen. Being that you are over 30 i think they say that you can get seen after 6 months of trying if you have had no luck, so maybe worth booking to see your doc?? :think:

have read zita west too! found it quite helpful, think some of the other girllies on here recommend another book about understanding your fertility or something which they said was good too if i remember correctly.... :think:
:wave: yeah, starting to feel like a walking library, hubby laughs at the huge pile of books i keep by the bed, sometimes i reckon we can have too much information!?!?!! umming and arhing bout going to docs, im convinced they'll say go away and lose 100 lbs then come back and see us and i just wont be taken seriously. have been really trying hard to shift weight but even with this incentive its not easy!! :doh: . the whole thing drives me crazy, i know i can get pregnant at least cos i fell pregnant years ago with my ex(admit it was a accident)but miscaried at 2 mths ish(vague on times because it all seemed to happen so quick) crazy isnt it, they tell you to relax and it will happen but the longer it takes the more obsessed we become!!(well i have anyway!) :rotfl:
im sorry about your m/c. Def think we can have too much information and its def impossible to not think about it constantly like people tell you not too :wall: and we all thought it would be so easy :roll:

so you think you OV last week at some point? how long have your cycles been if you dont mind me asking?
this is where the problem starts!! from last may when i started properly watching my cycle i was a definate every 28 days without fail. but since early this year when we started trying(wouldnt you just credit it!) they have started jumping around and i can get AF anywhere between 22-30 days. when i do the opk tests i have done them solidly morning and evening for 3 cycles without a break just because i got sooooooo frustrated and wondered where i'd gone wrong! :think: bizarrely enough i found one last night and used it, and a v v v faint line appeared(the kind you see if you balance on the loo and hold it right up to the light like we all do!!??)but thats the first time ive ever had anything other than the control line appear :cry: just sooooooo confused!! if i ignore opk tests and work out dates that i SHOULD be ov' like the books all tell you then i reckon i would have ov sometime between last thurs and this tues just gone. sorry to talk to much, never know where elese to go to ask people things other than preg forums!
always the way isnt it! :roll: im suffering with irregular cycles as well anything from 28 days to 41 days, this month being the 28 days and AF has finsished this morning and only started on tuesday? not normally that short... :think:

Well with the one you did last night at least it showed a v.faint line rather than nothing, althought must be very frustrating if you havent been getting anything :evil:. Was gonna say that maybe you had been starting testing too late in your cycle and missing it but if youve been testing every day then cant see how you could miss it although most people seem to test at some point mid-late afternoon as LH surge sometimes takes a few hours to show in your urine and fmu may not show a if you have been testing in the morning maybe worth changing it :think:
tested morning and evening, am abandoning opk testing 4 a while, getting myself far to stressed withit! have you done a preg test with such a short cycle?
yeah i know what you mean, i stopped using them for a few months and only went back to using them this last month as i couldnt tell with the irregular cycles when i was ovulating. are you charting? im just off to boots now to get my basal thermometer!

yeah thought i was pregnant at the start of the week as had really big boobs which were tender and dont normally get that with period, gone off my food which is very unusal as normally eat like a horse and bloated and lots of wind so tested on monday night and tuesday morning with cheapies but nothing then AF came on tuesday lunch :(
tryed temping but have such a bad memory! would be out of bed and in the shower somedays before i remembered so gave up after a while cos i couldnt rely on results, my own fault totally!!mind you boots own only cost about £10 so it wasnt bad, you get a little book with it explaining everything. thanks for chatting, keep in tough and let me know it it all goes!!xxx :hug:
have you felt like you have been feeling the past few days before Muffin or are these feelings new? some women have said they started feeling symptoms a couple of days after OV so could be possible, when will you be able to take a test if you think you are? what CD are you on at the moment? :think:

just went to boots and no thermometers, have to try ebay!
shame bout the thermometer, most chemists will do them i reckon? im on CD 17 at the mo, assuming AF will arrive in about 9-10 days(although hoping for a no show of course!!)am so confused by my body its all a bit of a guess . have had similar feelings a couple of times before but then just had BFN's and then really awful AF's so kind of assuming maybe i was and my body rejected it??got pain(light cramping) in my lower tum this last couple of hours, sore boobs too, is it is is it!!!???!!have tried with one of the v early tests i got from ebay(10mlhcg) but got a not surprising BFN, shall have to try and learn patience!! :wall:
how you feeling today muffin? prob too early for the cheapie from ebay, think the clear blue (not digital) for early testing are supposed to be quite good if you cant wait another 7 or so days! :)
morning! :D tried a test with the ebay cheapies yesterday but got the BFN i was kind of expecting this early. (had another batch delivered on saturday, dont think DH has clicked just how many i get thru lol!!) other than feeling so v tired im not too bad, queasy feeling has died down but boobs r sore(but AF due anytime in next 7 days so could just be that?) lying in bed last night wondering if now is the time to go to see a doc if this months AF appears, cant decide.
how are you today??did you have any luck with finding a thermometer?was thinking at the weekend how much of a comfort it is to find other women on these sites that run around frantically weeing on sticks, taking temps, analyzing thier cm etc, none of my friends ever seem to have had this much trouble getting preg, and taking to people on here really does help you realise your not going mad or are alone in your hopes!
hear hear Muffin. I'm so glad I found all you loonies to help me. I'm keeping it quiet that I'm trying, only 2 friends know about my MC, I haven't told OH that I'm testing for ovulation......he doesn't like things to be too scientific.

On Sat poor OH saw my delivery of OPKs and PG tests arrive, then saw me on this website and said ooh what's that. He now thinks I'm a nutter who's stalking him for sperm....poor love!

I'm trying to keep my addiction to you lot even more secret now!!!! :rotfl:

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