am i father gone then i think???


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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well over the weekend i have been thinking (yes i no its a bad thing when i do that :D)
and ive been looking at some things and myself and notised a couple of differences
-well i lost my morning sickness over a week now only get it hear and there hardly worth happening
-boobs arnt even quarter of how sore they were but still getting bigger
-sex no longer hurts atall (i was told this stops in 2nd tri)
-my bump is very round and i dont think its bloating as its not hard like bloating lol
-i can feel "something" inside me like under my belly button to the left a bit (is this the baby)
- im not tired to much now
so thats what ive got let you no what you think will be posting new pics of bump in the tummy section see what you think :D
any honest comments would be great. as either im father gone then i think, body just on a mad one or something is wrong lets all hope for the first hehe
manda xx
:think: i don't know :D

Looking at your pic your hardly huge!! Every1 grows at different rates but you don't look like its a massive difference than before.

sex never hurt for me as my OH just refused to have sex as soon as we found out!!

my boobs are still really hot and sometimes sore and i still have some sickness!!

At your 12week scan your soon know how far you are!! x x
There is no 'textbook' answer to how you should will feel at an exact time, as long as you were honest with your dates with the doctor, then all should be well. Also, consider that there could be a 2 week diff but that is with anyone. You will find out at your 12 week scan and then your 5 month scan, a better date.
Yeah your 12 week scan will tell you to the day how pregnant you are!
MMM u could be hun could u post a pic of ur bump it would help xxx
Hey manda just looked at tummy pics section u are way way way way much further gone than 9 weeks im 7 weeks and my bump is half of urs at 7 weeks xx
It's just how your bady is dealing with the pregnancy, my belly was hard right from the start, and it's normal to feel 'movement' in early pregnancy, it's not necessarily the baby. It feels like bubbles popping and I've been feeling it real down low, just above my pubic bone. I also had a bump from early on. You might just be lucky with the whole lack of morning sickness and sore boobs, mine still hurt real bad :(
Funny that you made this thread, I have been wondering the same about myself, too! My breasts are growing SO RAPIDLY and changing SO much, it's scary, not to mention my tummy has rounded out a bit and feel something more on the left side... huh... :think:

If you are a skinny lass to begin with, your bump may show straight off, my bessie mate was showing at 10 weeks, with a bump like yours amanda.

I am not skinny and my bump didn't take effect or show until I hit 5 months, to be honest. You can not tell how far gone you are by the size of your belly, some women grow quicker or slower than others. Wait till your 12 week scan for a clearer answer xx
thanks all for the great mix of answers nice to hear different opions sometimes as it helps more looks like i will just have to wait though :D
manda xx

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