Am I doing things right?

Little Rose

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Hi, at what age did you start putting your baby into their cot upstairs for daytime naps?

Jessica is almost 8 weeks old and although she has started to feed every 4 hours or thereabouts she does not have a nap routine or bedtime routine as such. Should I be worrying about these things at this stage or is she too young?
I did it pretty much straight away! The quicker the better i think.. its so much easier getting babies into a routine earlier and it will benefit you later on :)
How do you post a thread?!?! x
I got charley into a bedtime routine from day 1 but when it comes to day time naps, he naps when or where he likes x x
I didnt start with a bedtime routine until about 3 months or so and now shes perfect at night time, same time every night etc. Naps we still dont have a routine because she gets tired very quickly, only awake for about 1 1/2 max really. So I have a routine that I follow to get her to sleep, but not set times and it works fine.

I think just do what you feel will work. Routine can work wonders, but then being a bit more flexible can give you both a bit of freedom to fall into your own routines that may work better.
I was a bit of an idiot when Shaun was younger, and wouldn't put him down for naps, I'd just let him sleep on my chest, or in his moses basket in whatever room I was in. Should of put him in his cot for naps, as now we're really struggling to get him to sleep on his own in his cot. :dohh:
I started a bedtime routine at about 8 weeks ish, she goes to bed really well on her own! day time naps aren't set as it changes every day depending what were doing x
I have started to put her upstairs in her cot from today for her naps when I am a home. If i'm out and about she fall asleep when she's in the car. Last night she had her last feed at 9:50 and slept until 5:20 this morning. Finger crossed for tonight!
Wow that's a really good night sleep!

We started a bedtime routine from about 7 weeks and Ella is really good at going to bed after her bath and feed at around 7.30pm and she will settle herself and is content to sleep on her own in her room. However she still generally feeds every 3-4 hours but will resettle quickly afterwards so stays in bed (apart from when feeding) until about 6.30am (try not to bring her in until 7am ish)

Daytime naps however are completely random where and when she needs them no real set pattern yet - could be in car, rocking chair, buggy or in Moses basket (try and put her there if we are at home) x
my lo usually naps twice a day and always in his pram in our living room! id never thought to let him nap in his cot as i just wanted him to learn to associate this with bedtime if you know what i mean! he always falls to sleep by himself in his cot aswell. his bedtime routine is only now just getting itself sorted as he has onnly been sleeping through for the last 2 weeks!!!! :O good luck!
We started Alfie-Ray's routine at 6 weeks old but bearing in mind it probably took him 3 weeks to be consistent within the routine. We also let him lead the routine slightly by keeping a diary for 2 weeks to see his natural pattern then used that pattern to influence a routine to suit both Alfie and me.

We took abit longer with his bedtime routine as we had him going to bed at 9pm as a newborn until around 6 weeks then each week we slowly brought back the bedtime routine 15 mins until his bedtime became 7pm which is what it has stayed. He started sleeping through from around 8 weeks from 7pm-7am with a 5am feed and he slept through without a feed from 8 weeks.

But sometimes routine doesn't work for baby or mum, so don't feel pressurised into routine if it doesn't work for you. If routine is something you are interested in though I would recommend the sleep/feed diary and taking cues from your LO first.

Hope you figure out what you want to do hun :)

Oh cot was in our room until he was 6 months old as well then we moved him into his own room, but he coped ok, one bad night where he woke screaming think he wondered where he was and after that he went straight back to STTN except when teething pain gets bad lol
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From the start Campbell has had his morning nap in the lounge, his midday nap in his cot upstairs. xx
I always used to put ella in her Moses basket but in the daytime I would have it in the lounge with me and at night she was in our room. Now she naps in her cot in her room x
Lo naps in his mosses basket if we are home, and sleeps in his cot at night :nap:. We started a bedtime routine at around 5 weeks i think. Gosh its seems soooo long ago....time goes far to fast:cry:xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey I was a worrier about naps and routine but at 4 months my LO kinda did it himself he didn't need his dream feed bottle anymore! And started getting sleepier earlier! I think it's good to take their lead! He sleeps half 7 to 7am and feeds every 4 hours! He has a 30 min nap somewhere between each feed and normally he has this on sofa because when I put him in cot he just wakes up or plays!! X
Matthew has a bedtime routine which works well! He will get himself to sleep then, but during the day he generally falls asleep on me and them I put him in his cot!
Kieron doesn't nap upstairs during the day cos he hates his cot unless it's nightime. If I put him in it straight after his last bottle (about 7-8pm) he will watch the mobile till he goes to sleep but if I put him in it durin the day he screams!when I return to work he won't b napping upstairs-he'l go in a pushchair and then into travel cot when he's at childminders so I try and keep him in that routine here so he's adjusts easily in august xx
Hey Everyone - thought i'd update you!

So I have not bothered about the daytime naps in the cot. I just let Jessica sleep in her bouncer which she can lay flat in.

There has been great progress on the night sleeps though!! She has slept through from 9:30ish until 7:30/8am ish for the last 3 nights. I am so pleased as she is only 9 weeks old. Result!! I'm going to leaver her bedtime at 9/9:30 ish for another week and then i'm going to take it back in 15 minute segments. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO looking forward to having me time again.

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