Am I " making rod for back" hate that saying!

rainbow dancer

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2010
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As I've posted before Lucy is very good at bedtime routine bath bottle bed by 1930ish she wakes at 4 has bottle then I have a choice. Either get up as she won't settle on cot or in bed with us where she will sleep for few hours. She is 19 weeks thanks in advance xxx
Ppl will prob say you're making a rod for your own back! But personally Id just want my sleep and if she will go back then I'd do it! My LO went through stage of waking at 3am and after hours of trying to get him back off and all the lack of sleep I put him in with us and he went off! Only lasted a few weeks and then he just slept thru again in cot so I have to say I didn't think it made a rod for my back haha! X
Isla used to do the same thing, now when I bring her in with me she pokes my eyes and scratches my face! So she's in her cot all night now. I do love baby cuddles but I prefer having my face to myself!

Emma x

I'd have her in the bed rather than get up at 4am. We co-sleep with our son anyways and it works for us xxxxxx
thanks ladies. i was getting up with her at 4 after her feed but was so knackered come 0800!! think i will carry onlike you all say its better to get sleep than not and i do like the cuddles!! xx
yeah our LO comes in in the mornings on weekends but he just pulls my hair and pokes my eyes too, so its not really sleepy time! :lol:

I have a comfy chair in his bedroom when he was little I used to feed him in there so he wasnt leaving the sleepy bedroom environment. As long as youre happy to have LO in your bed for a while yet then go for it. Just do it knowing that it might happen for a long while but bedtime cuddles time is lovely anyway so its not the worst thing in the world! :love:
I put zac in with us for a while as it was easier and I wanted sleep, but then he started waking up all the time and would not sleep anywhere except with us. We had to do controlled crying to get him back to sleeping in his cot! I'd say not to, but I also couldn't cope with 4am wake up, so I'm not being very useful am I? Sorry x
^^ that doesnt work for my LO :doh: he still wakes up at the same time but hes more grumpy cos he hasnt had as much sleep. Its like he has a bloomin alarm clock!!

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