
Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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Iv took all Diors dummies from her :(
here dummy dont bother me atall. im not one bit ashamed.
but last nighT i put her To bed with out it she was confused and searched her cot for it but she dont talk much so she wasnt asking or crying for it just looked upset she was puting her hand out saying "tah mummy" and looking down the side of her cot were it falls down. she has looked in all my drawers today she aint cryed for it but i no shes upset she loves it.

but is it best i do this before she is about 2yrs old and knows what iv done and screams for her dummy???? or should i still let her have it for bed time or get rid all together?????????


i feel bad her dummy means every thing to her :( she still has a bottle for bed though or should i wean her of bottle at bed time but let her have a dummy at bed time???????????????????

and do i have to stop giving it to Harley? will it upset her more?

Does she just have it at night?

If she's not screaming for it I'd leave it to be honest, now you've done it...otherwise it'll just confuse her.

Does Harley really use one? I can see her getting miffed if he can have one and she can't.

If it is a big problem for her maybe just try cutting down first?

Hmm it's a toughy :think:
Harley dont have one just when he gets over tired and cant settle he will suck it for a min or two but its always laying round the house should i hide it so she never sees it.

she always has a dummy at night and they are always laying around the house in the day but the last few weeks its been in her mouth 24/7 even to watch tv or if she is eating a sanwhich she will take a bite put her dummy back in and do it all the time till she has eaten it all.

i watched a show the boy was 2 and a half he was kicking and screaming for ir i dont want her to be old anough to do that.

but i feel so bad she loves that dummy she even cuddles it and pushes it around her her lil pushchair :(
I personally would say don't give it back to her now as you have done the hardest part. especially if she didn't have a huge reaction. My lil man is just over 2 and whilst I will only give him his dummy at night, I honestly daren' take it away from him yet as I know it will be too traumatic!! I bet he wouldn't sleep. So basically, if you've got it out of her system now then I guess stick with it. (I know easier said than done!)

Does she have a blanket she's attached to? She might take to this more instead???
she loves that dummy she even cuddles it and pushes it around her her lil pushchair :(

Awww that's cute!

At first I would cut her down to only at night (if she really struggles now you've taken it away)
Also I would hide Harley's if possible so she doesn't know he has it.

Then, later, try getting her to sleep without it.

If she is OK in a few days without it though I wouldn't change anything...yeah she's bound to miss it at first whatever you do, but as it's done now I'd try and stick with it.

Good luck!
she is doing fine no tears just sad face :(
its me i feel so bad shes an angel.

susan. no she dont have a blanket or any thing, just her dummy and bottle

but in return she is now drinking so much as she wants to suckle to sleep she goes to bed with a bottle of milk and a bottle of water i had to fill the bottles a few times through the night and she wees all through her nappy now.

so am i right to be getting rid of dummy first then when she is 2 try and get rid of bottle for when i start potty training
dionne said:
she is doing fine no tears just sad face :(

Then I would definitley just leave it, just give her other kinds of comfort, cuddles etc.

Worry about the bottle later :)
thanks babe you have reasured me its for the best!
dont help with my mum saying "awwww shes still only a baby, dont be cruel" must be because shes the first granchild :roll:
i agree with urchin, if shes not screaming an begging for it just leave it an give her cuddles an kisses instead hun.
hi hun :D

if i was you i would wean her from the bottle first then tackle the dummy as if you try taking the dummy from her if she sees harley with one she may take it from him :think:

Adele never used a dummy although she has a bankey and it stinks!! we did get her out of her baby blanky on her 4th birthday she put it in the bin as we got her laods of groovy chick stuff. Now Colby has loads of wee blanky's with big labels adele pinches them from Colbys room and hides them in hers :roll:

But if shes not crying or asking for it and not taking harleys then just dont give it to her.
At the end of the day hunny their is no right or wrong way in a situation like this but sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind :D

I really need t get this blanky sorted for her going to school next year or shell be hiding one in her bag and everytime the teacher isn't looking she'll be sucking her thumb and rubbing the stinky label off her nose :lol: :lol:
if ur feeling really bad let her have it bck but then at christmas say if u leave ALL ur dummys on the side santa will take them and leave u with a big prezzie
someone i know did this and her boy never asked for it again
I plan to do a simliar thing as what Sarah said but am trying now to slowly only give Aaron his dummy when he wants to sleep. Then once I can tell him hopefully he'll be ok without it.
If you have already done the hard part then you should just stick to it but if for any reason she gets it back, dont fret, she wont be on it forever.
I voted to let her have it. Can you get her an extra special, small cuddly toy that she can carry round instead?
I think its ok for her to have it for bed time. Jaycee still has hers when shes tired and just for comfort. she doesnt need it every day now, just at bed time. but try seeing if she will sleep without it, coz if she does its a bonus!
i gave her it last night :oops:

she just loves suckeling to sleep. so with out her dummy she was drinking loads of her bottle i changed her bedding 3times in 12 hrs because she was weeing loads. so last night i gave her a dummy and she had no bottle and she slept all night fine. so it is going to be that there is only 1 dummy in out house and it stays in her cot always so its only for bed time. going to get her of bottle at night now ready for when i potty train as she is weeing so much at the mo.

ps her eyes lite up when i gave her dummy :)
personally Dionne i would let her have the dummy at nights. i would give liam a dummy at night if i knew that the horror would sleep through.

my mate did the same thing that Sarah said, leave them out for Santa and get a big pressie, but i think that her little one was 3 or 4.

I mean Dior is going through the day without it isnt she, so she is doing really well. :clap: :clap:
Jaycees eyes light up when she sees her dummy lol! she only wants it when shes tired. she goes without during the day, but loves her juice as a replacement lol!
its so cute aint it. i dont have a prob with the dummy makes her look lke my lil baby still :angel:

so il let her have it at night :wink:
Think on to xmas, im going to try the lets give santa the dummy.
Jessica has a kaloo rabbit with big ears which she rubs with her fingers and thumb. Its a comfort thing but she associates it with the dummy so if she has the rabbits she want s the dummy and vice versa. I dont know where im going with this :oops:

Dont feel bad about letting her have it, she will grow out it. :D

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