am I doing something wrong?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2011
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I just let max sleep when he wants during the day, if he falls asleep on me I leave him for half hourish then put him down. I don't ever 'put him down for a nap'.

At night he seems to go 3/4 hours at first then from 4am he stirs, from 5am he wakes screaming every 15 minutes and I can't ever work out what's wrong with him. He then continues to do this all morning til 9/10.

He's 8 weeks. I thought this kinda thing would be sorting itself out. Any idea on the crying after 5am?? Its literally every 5am onwards its so so weird!!

ive found that its not always the time i have to pay attention to but her cycle of activity. alyssa gets up at 7, feeds plays and then sleeps, sometimes she will have a bit more food before sleeping but its about an hour and a half to 2 hrs between naps atm. she sleeps well at night and ive started just going to bed between 11 and 12 with her in her sleeping bag and putting her into her cot, shes usually asleep but will disturb a bit when put down and then snuggle down when her blanket is put on. if she wakes early in the morning and its not hunger i pop her dummy in, tuck her arms back in and kinda hold the blanket over her arms to keep them down by her sides for a few mins and she usually drifts off again. i find if she naps badly during the day she wakes early in the morning but if she naps well she sleeps well at night too
I kinda dont agree with the whole routine thing as certainly with harrison he sleeps when he is tired, i cant get him to drop off before he is ready and if he gets too tired then he goes mad so we kinda go with the flow!! He does the same with the sleep he is in a very deep sleep for most of the night but after that he wakes every 1/2 hour not for food tho!! We have worked out that he is teething as he is waking up pulling his dummy out and biting his hands so we are putting teething gel on his dummy when he wakes up and that seems to calm him down and he drifts off again. Could help you??
We have worked out that he is teething as he is waking up pulling his dummy out and biting his hands so we are putting teething gel on his dummy when he wakes up and that seems to calm him down and he drifts off again. Could help you??

i keep thinking hes teething but getting told hes too young!! at 5am im gonna put teething gel on the dummy and see if it helps thanks so much for that idea.

bev thats true about the day naps, he kept having short bursts of naps yesterday day time like only 20/30 mins and he had a bad night so that could be why

he doesnt nap well unless hes on me or i really snuggle him into blankets on the sofa (i obvs dont leave him when i do this)

so gonna try make sure his day naps are good long ones from now on and try the teething gel too

thanks ladies
oh and yeah i dont thnk ill ever try for a rountine, theres no way he would go down for a nap if he wasnt ready i just leave it down to him !
i rock alyssa to sleep in her pram but tbh the longest best naps are the ones she has on a pillow on my knee after bf'ing lol an hour or 2 at most is all i cna get out of her but the bad naps are the 10 min ones and she gets really cranky after those so i resettle if its less than an 40 mins - hour nap. as for routine i keep it rough, anywhere between 10 and 12 she will have a bottle then nap maybe an hour or 2 later etc and it all depends on when she wakes up. shes pretty predictable now but its solely due to her being in that routine herself.
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yeah max's feeding times during the day are becoming more of a routine now but thats down to him. i feed when he wants and i let him sleep when he wants i just think hes not ready to go through the night yet and ive gotta get on with it but the 5am screams are whats confusing me !


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