Am i Crazy!?


May 23, 2011
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Me and my partner have been broken up for a month or so now, i'm only 5 weeks.....just,
i desperately wanna have this baby....he is tryna convince me not too.
i know its not ideal, but im tough and this feels right.
if he doesnt want anything to do with it am i crazy to go through with this.
the thought of not having it makes me sooo sad, i just wanna enjoy this will be my first child.
the last thing i want is stress how do i get it into his head, or shall ijust tell him to go to hell.?
If he can't accept your decision then i'd tell him to go to hell x
Tell him where to go!!! Having a baby is so special and you will do great. He might come to his senses, if not he wasn't worth it. xxx
id tell jim to shove off my sons dad did this to me but come round for about 5 months
were no longer together i raised alfie on my own and he is perfect in every way :)
be strong your the one carrying this baby he is just the sperm donor keep your chin up hun
its only you that will have to live with the choice not him !!!!
good luck in whatever you decide x
No, you are not crazy. If having the baby feels right then that's what matters. You already know your own strengths in that you are strong. You say its not ideal, it won't be easy but I am sure it will all work out.

My Sister was in a similar situation,my Nephew will be 16 this year and he's a cracking kid. I am not saying that it wasn't tough for her but she had family and friends supporting so you are never on your own.
Thanks all of you x
thats what tried to explain to him he thinks its so easy to ust get rid of it but im the one that has to live with the regret.
i already know i want this lil un. you all spoke alot of sense made me feel much stronger.
To hell with him lol
i hope he does see sense...but if not. his loss.
cat wait till i can get it confirmed and relax a bit.
Im in sorta the same situation :( my fella left me and Ive heard nothing for ages now :( it's his loss but you know what, I got my 3 year old and I got a little babba on the way and thats all that matters..I will love my babies uunconditionally and they will love me the same :) nothing beats it !!! Tell him to stick it hun xxx
tell him to go to hell, ul find a way to cope if having the baby is what u want then thats all that matters. he may come to his senses or he may not but either way ul be fine. u have support on here whenever u need it xx
What is it with men?!!!

They just don't understand the feelings and love we girlys have for our munchkins even as early as 4 weeks.

My ex-husband was the same last year. He told me he would leave me if I didn't have an A.

Hes a 46 yr old man that you would think has a more mature attitude but oh no! He was a heartless w****r!

So, so stupidly I did what he wanted with the promise we could have a baby in 2 years time.
To cut a long story short he left me anyway when I couldn't get over A.

He expected me to just 'get over' it in 2 months! God, makes me so angry talking about it!


If only I could turn back the clock :(

Now I have a second chance. I am still single but I'm so strong. Maybe I should thank my husband for that.

I love my munchkin more than anything and am happy to be single.
I have a brilliant family and friends and there is no place in my heart or life for a pig who has no feelings or emotions.

Sorry, I exploded a bit there didn't I?! But if my heartbreaking experience last year has taught me anything its that A is wrong and the concequences are devestating.

A baby is a gift from God and the happiness I feel from my little one already is too great to put into words.

Good luck, you will be fine, I promise. :hugs:

I have to agree with the others. I'm really uncomfortable with abortion and I'm not even remotely religious, I just think that life starts at conception............ Its a big issue, but I feel so attached to my little one already and can sort of 'sense' it in there.

There are some brilliant single mums out there, you dont need him if he's like that, though he might surprise you and end up falling in love with his future child and being a great dad. I know of a man who took no interest in his ex girlfriend being pregnant, but curiousity made him go to the hospital to see the baby and it was enough to make him want to be involved. They didnt get back together or anything, but he has the kid at weekends.... So you never know
tell him to go to hell!
if it feels wrong to you to get rid, then dont.... it feels wrong for a reason!!

there are thousands of fabulous single mums out there with wonderful children.... he has done the bit you needed him for... the sperm... tell him to stuff it now and concentrate on you and baby!


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