Am I Being Stupid??


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2007
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Ok so i was in surrey looking after the boys i used to nanny for for a week while there mum was away in rome with work and i come back and my mum tells me that she has given my cousin who had a baby on sunday the car seat and crib to borrow and i just cried.
I feel like im being selfish but i cant help ebing upset its like youve got everything for your baby ready and then someone comes and takes it away from you. it was for MY baby and i know ive got a few months yet but i just want everything near me. Does that sound stupid? Plus the crib is the one my dad made for me and my sisters when we were babies so it means a lot to me to have it for my baby as its been in our family. Shes not the kind of person that would look after it either! :(

So am i being stupid?!
if it was promised to you then you should get it for sure
maybe speak to your mum about it tell her you thought it was for you see what she says.
manda xx
I will get it back its just that i want it here just in case its early or what ever plus she was a week late so should she of not got a car seat and somewhere for the baby to sleep!?
she should of really already had all the stuff waiting for the baby really.
manda xx
not at all hun
i would be peed off aswell
as if shes doesnt look after it well then you might not get it at all
manda xx
my mum went to see the baby this morning and apparently her other daughter whos 2 years old keeps trying to climb in with her! The crib is about 23 years old!!! It means a lot to me. my dad asked me if i wanted him to make a new one but i want the crib i was in when i was a baby. and also its to much for him to be doing as hes got a bad back and has to go to the hospital tomorrow to have the rest of the skin cancer removed from his head and they have to check to see if the other places there worried about are cancerous to! so i cant ask him to make me a crib!!
blimey thats bad aint it.
your dad shouldnt have to build you a new one you should have that one in the condition it was lent in
manda xx
Thats a bit mean of your mum not to ask you first if it was ok with you, did you buy the car seat yourself? I be gutted too.
:shock: i'd be totally upset and feeling crap if i was you, im soo protective over my baby bits too. its understandable. How long are they borrowing for? maybe find a cheap one for her to buy and get it back asap

aww babes :hug: There is no doubt Id be sooooo upset too and would feel upset until I got them back and I knew they was safe, especially the crib. Its kinda like having a wedding dress waiting for your big day and then someone goes and borrows it before you have chance to wear it yourself. I think its only natural to feel upset. Im dont really know what to suggest babe but you definately arent silly feeling that way :hug: :hug:
It's completely understandable that you're upset! I'd be so mad and sad! And it must be so agravating that there's no way to get them back before your baby is born without causing problems :( Could you get a crib and car seat from freecycle or somewhere very cheap so that you can give them to your cousin and get your ones back?
What an amazing and caring Dad you have - he sounds lovely. I hope he's OK.
I hope you get everything back in the condition it was lent.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
awww thanks everyone i thouht i was being really selfish and didnt think anyone would understand how i felt! I dunno what it is about my baby stuff but i have to have it near me. i even sleep with its first outfit its gonna wear when its born :oops: sad i know but if i go away for the week or a few days i take something of my babies with me. That sounds really sad but i dunnno weather its because i had the miscarriage before and im scared something will go wrong this time or what but i have to have everything near me! thanks everyone :hug:
Oh and no i didnt buy the car seat it was leant to me by my auntie so obviously its my responsibility to keep it clean and give it back to her in the same condition!! And its cream! :shock:
:hug: You have every right to be peved. especially the crib, as that was give to you, not lent, when are you going to get it back? has for the Car seat, oh gosh Cream! you know you will have to wash that! Not your mums right to give it in the first place, they were not from her.
:hug: You seem like you care soo much for your little buddle, and you are right to be excited to be ready. Hope you get them soon, but you do need to ask when that will be, they don't have a seat, thats there problem.

good luck honey

I dont think you sound bad at all. Im really funny about all my baby bits. Like a couple of years ago whn my SIL had her kids i gave her EVERYTHING i had. (im not joking, she didnt have to buy anything) but now its all suddenly disappared! (i think she car - booted it all :x ) Im sooooooo upset as it was all bought for my first little baby, and i wanted it all back for this little one. I know its only 'things' but i have cried about it. And she broke my steriliser because she never descaled it. Shes offered her one, but its not the same (i know im silly) i want the one I BOUGHT IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Its hard not to be touchy and over protective when preggers. I know how you feel, and dont feel like your in the wrong for feeling that way. We preggers ladies are a sensitive bunch! :hug:
im sorry but i still cant believe ur cousin didnt buy a crib before hand i mean come on its 1 of the most basic things the babys got to sleep somewere....

and i know how ya feel about it being your stuff i bourght a lil suit for the bubz 2 wear when he comes home but my babys fat and theres noway he is gunna fit in the suit so i gave it to a friend she has a ikkle lil baby :) but i still feel sad :(

and i sleep with some blue booties by my pillow looool

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