Almost invisible,thin test line! Am i pregnant


Dec 20, 2006
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Hi everyone.

This is my first post, so I have a lot of question. At first, what is bfp, and bfn?
I think i find that bfp is when the result is positive, and bfn means negative result, but what does it realy mean?
I`ve done pregnancy test three days ago and I have two lines. But the second line is very thin. Am I pregnant? I wish I had a fat red line. Lol. I am going to do the test tomorrow, again, but what if it is a thin line again. There is a lot of tests, but which one is the best in your opinion?

Thanks alot in any advice in advance,
and greetings from Serbia

:D :) :wave:
hi hun foirst of all if you got any sort of positive line then its more than likely you r pregnant so congratulations.
bfp is big fat positive
bfn is big fat negitive
Thank you Mary.
I did test again, and I have no idea what was the result. :think: :? .
I got BFN, but all test surface becomes reddish, but still have BFN.
After a few minuts, test becomes less reddish and on the test line I have no BFP.
But, I`ve seen something like white line over reddish surface.
I dont know what is it. Do you think test is bad(demaged)? :shock:
Does anybody have some similiar experience?
thanks in advance, and lot of luck in making babes for everybody :)

If you get any lines then its most likely your pregnant but i have gotten a test that showed a BFP and it ended up being wrong.
Good luck to you and let us know how it goes, the last test sounds like it could of been damamged.
I know clear blue is a good test to buy

Hi Saulino

There are two options in my situation.
1. The test has been damaged, or
2. I`m not pregnant

But, never mind, I`ve decided to go to doctor and stop testing myself for the time being.
Anyway, I havent been on ultrasound test, and when i do it I will try again :)

thanks alot

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