allocation on arrival holidays ?

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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what do people think of these? can find some bargains but just wondering if its worth the risk ?

anyone got any holiday recomendations ? for april ? did kenya last year and was awfull weather lol

oh and budget is SMALL
Ive never done one of those holidays, i book months in adviance bacause i like to choose every last detail of my holiday.

Sorry, that didnt help you much at all did it :wall:
no :rotfl:

come on only booked honeymoon 2 weeks b4 we left ! only just had enough time to get our jabs :rotfl:
we done one and although we never got the hotel we wanted we had an ace time. as long as you research the area first that half the battle.
We did one

went to magaluf and stayed in an amazing hotel. It was right at the end of the beach so it was quiet. I assume that all the party goers had chosen hotels right in the centre of town so this hotel had loads of spaces hence the allocation on arrival!

I would do it again if I was looking for a cheap holiday but if you are after something special don't risk it.
Our honeymoon was an Airtours allocation on arrival.

Thought it would be okay, as it was Costa del Sol (which I'd been to before and liked) and had 4 T's in the brochure.

It was absolutely bloody awful.

1) It was not a 4* hotel, which is what I assumed it meant. Turns out that 4T is only worth 2 or 3 stars - the T is Airtours own personal rating :| so god knows what the real rating was.

That wouldn't have been so bad if that was all that was the problem.....but:

2) two single beds for our honeymoon

3) the food was awful - we had the runs for the entire week

4) it was MILES away from the beach. It was miles away from anywhere decent really. You had to get a bus to the beach or walk for half an hour.

5) From our hotel room we had a view of a massive swamp - and just behind the swamp was a motorway!

6) We had loads of ants in the room.

It was just fooking awful. We made the best of it we could - I've heard of worse holidays on those "holiday from hell" programmes. But considering it's the ONLY holiday that we've ever indulged in going on abroad together, PLUS it was our honeymoon, ahh it was total shite.

I'm never doing allocation on arrival again.
i've done it a couple of times, first time hotel was dirty, swcond time in bulgaria ended up in an upstairs apartment of a family.

To my mind its a gamble
Ive never wanted to do it cos its such a gamble... It would be my luck for it all to go PETE TONG!! :o
I've done it a few times and the places have always been ok.
The best last minute holiday I had was with St. James Villas. We booked the day before we left. We had our own gorgeous villa with pool, a car and all flights for £400. Bargin!
I do think that the allocation on arrivals have their place but I wouldn't do them for anything as special as a honeymoon.

I think we paid £99 each for a week all inclusive in magaluf! I wouldn't have cared what the hotel was like as long as the sun was shining! lol Oh and we got it from ceefax.. can't remember the company.
I could really do with a cheap holiday or short break somewhere peaceful where i can relax.

Wheres best place to look, company?
it maybe an anniversary holiday but beleive me anything got to be better then the actually honeymoon last year ! tbh budget is more important as well , havent got a lot of it lol

thanks for all your replies ! guess its a guess of keeping looking , and maybe book something in a couple of weeks leavig it 2 weeks b4 we go ! ( get march's 2ww outa of the way too :rotfl: )
We did allocation on arrival once, only because we got the holiday at a holiday auction....we went to Puerto Rico in Gran was awesome, the hotel was amazing, in fact everything about that holiday was one of the best hols we ever had.....but i have heard some horror stories from friends who have done the same.....but based on our holiday we loved

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