Our honeymoon was an Airtours allocation on arrival.
Thought it would be okay, as it was Costa del Sol (which I'd been to before and liked) and had 4 T's in the brochure.
It was absolutely bloody awful.
1) It was not a 4* hotel, which is what I assumed it meant. Turns out that 4T is only worth 2 or 3 stars - the T is Airtours own personal rating

so god knows what the real rating was.
That wouldn't have been so bad if that was all that was the problem.....but:
2) two single beds for our honeymoon
3) the food was awful - we had the runs for the entire week
4) it was MILES away from the beach. It was miles away from anywhere decent really. You had to get a bus to the beach or walk for half an hour.
5) From our hotel room we had a view of a massive swamp - and just behind the swamp was a motorway!
6) We had loads of ants in the room.
It was just fooking awful. We made the best of it we could - I've heard of worse holidays on those "holiday from hell" programmes. But considering it's the ONLY holiday that we've ever indulged in going on abroad together, PLUS it was our honeymoon, ahh it was total shite.
I'm never doing allocation on arrival again.