All went wrong


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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Well i am back from my horrible day yesterday. :(

Got in there and at 2pm the doctor who was doing the operation came in and was talking to me about the risks and complications of the op.
He said the stuff left inside me wa the sixe of a tennis ball and that there is a chance it could absorb itself back into me, but it could get infected and i could bleed again etc. The risk of the op is that cos i have only just had Jack my womb is very soft and there is a chance they could perforate it during the op which may cause them to do a hysterectomy.

So needless to say i was umming and aahing, but i opted to have it removed.

Good job i did as apparently there was (his words) "piles of it still in there" alot more than the scan showed!!! They had to stitch my cervix as it was bleeding badly and when i woke up i was throwing up and felt really bad.

Rested back on the ward and then needed a wee, so midwife helped me stand up and a massive clot fell out :shock: When i managed to get to the toilet i passed out luckily the midwife was there and got me back to the bed (my BP had plummited)

It was such a rubbish day, if i'd have opted to not have it done i would have been really poorly with all that that was left- how did they not notice there was that much of my placenta missing at birth???!!!!
So Angry :evil:
Oh no what an ordeal!

Hopefully it'll be all sorted now...thank god you made the right choice!
Oh hun what a pants time you've had. I know someone who had this happen and it's awful :(

Glad you made the right choice and had the op. xxx
What's annoyed me more is that with me having this happen with Amy (but straight after birth) they would have been a litle more careful with me this time.

Midwife came today and said
"it won't have been as much as he made out, the placenta would have been checked after birth and if there was that much missing then they would have noticed it!! The placenta always looks more than it actually is!"

So to start she was saying the doctor who actually removed it and saw it was lying, then she said
"if there was that much in there then your uterus wouldn't have contracted as well as it did and i can't feel it" BUT they had to give me a load of drugs during the op to make my uterus contract properly as it was still large.

Basically they have balls it up and don't want me to put a complaint in. I could have been seriously ill because of this and it could have resulted inmajor surgery if it had all got infected, good job i had that bleed isn't it!!!
Crikey Yvonne you poor thing, sounds like you have a had a pretty rough ride, Glad you opted to have the op!

Hopefully you will be back on your feet properly soon, are you very sore after op?? Hope you recover soon

Take care and rest as much as poss!

Steph x
the whole thing is shocking! how are you feeling now? are you going to put a complaint in? xx
I have already said this but hope your feeling better soon hun xxx
soo glad to hear your home yvonne sorry you had such a bad day but hopefully things will start looking up now, fingers crossed
Thats very scary to think in this day that doctors and midwifes can be so negligent. I hope you feel better soon.

Am sorry you hvae had to deal with thuis. Hope that you are feeling better soon x
hope u feel better soon - i would complain if you have the energy to!
get better soon!

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