my poor lil girl


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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helo all as some of you may know amy has been in hospital since she was born and had a blockage of her nose shes has been doing really well and her breathing alot better as she got transfered to airedale last week and hasnt been able to come home yet she was due to come home on thruday but amy was being really sick after feeds and bring up a load of brown stuff so them plans were cancelled so she couldnt come home shes had tests and scans and stuff done over the last few days and yesterday they came up with a diagnosis that he has pyloric stenosis a condition that prevents the stomach from emptying properlythe vavle that controls the passage of food from the stomach to the intestines. this vavle muscles start to thickening.

so because of this they had to transfer her back to leeds for the op coz airedale doesnt do operations on babies. so leeds sed there going to do another scan jut to make sure she does have this condition and they sed he needs an operation to do it shes been thru alot, although this procedure is easier than the one on her nose it isnt life threating it four times more common in boys than girls and there is no reason to why it happens. my poor lil girl has been thru a lot b4 shes actually been home on the plus side leeds says if all goes well and for no other medical reason she can be discharge straight to us yay!

but on the other hand airedale is admant in wanting her to go back there as they sed they kept her bed open and left her stuff down there which leeds and us cant understand why they have done that so we are going to request that she comes home to us after this op they also sed coz the op is little that shell only have to stay in a day or two after the op

we dont really want her to go back to airedale coz we arent happy with the hygiene there as OH visited her last week and when they came to see amy and taken her bloods he sed he never saw them once was there hand or wear gloves and the thing that boils me the most is that i was there on tuesday and the nurse was look after amy and another baby she walked into amy's room where she was with another baby as amy was in isolation which is only a room set up for one baby here he had this other baby in her arms while checking to ee if amy was ok and chatting to me at the same time i kindly asked her if she didnt mind putting the other baby in his cot a i had no idea why that baby was in for for all i new he could of had a contigious infection or something, something amy doesnt need coz they cant really say for patient confidentially. i stopped there tuesday night as the plan was for amy to come home thrusday b4 they new about this condition that she has, but coz she was so ill they basically sed at 8 oclock wednesday morning that i had to find i way home coz i wouldnt be able to stay another nigght coz amy had been really sick during the night and was basically really ill i didnt have anymoney on me at all coz OH was going to come to the hopital hrusday afternoon to pick me and baby up by taxi so i ended up walking 10 miles home with a car seat that belong to her pushchair so we dont really want amy to go there as it brings back to many memories of my birth :(

so were hoping amy can come home as OH say when leeds do let her come home hell stop off at airedale and pick all her stuff up from the hospital. im o mad they didnt take them up there with her as i took her nappies and clean clothes and stuff in and all she had was a lil all in one suit not a baby grow hard to explain what it was lol she didnt even have a lil vestie thing on underneath her lil thing she had on and they didnt even take nappies for her so i had to buy some more for her i was unaware till i actually got to the hospital

sorry about the essay and the lil rant im so gutted amy didnt get to come home :(
Awwwwww poor little lady I was reading your story yesterday :( she has been through a lot. The hospital sounds weird, taking bloods with no gloves on and bringing another baby into an isolation room !!!!! Usually the only people allow into an isolation room is the parents and the nurse caring for the baby. I dont like the sound of that hospital at all :(

Lots and lots of big hugs for your little lady and you, hope she is well soon. xx
awk i hope u get amy home soon and she makes a speedy recovery xxx
sorry to hear she's still going through it, she sounds like a little fighter though! I hope you get her home soon, and that she doesn't haven't to go back to that first hospital. Does seem a little strange, and I can't believe they didn't even send any nappies for her! Good luck :hug: hope she's better soon x
Sending lots of positive thoughts for Amy for her to get fit and well enough to return home to be with you :hug:
:hug: i hope Amy gets better soon. She has already shown she is a little fighter, she will be home with you before you know it xx
thank you xx yeah im going back up to see her today bless her shes being really good as well
:hug: awww hun, im so sorry to hear this.
amy is a tough little cookie, she'll be at home in your arms soon. xx
hey amy had her op yeterday and i doing great now shes started back on feed at 7 am this morning and hant been ick wohoo. so everyone was getting confused with what was happing with amy lol hospitals ill be pleased to see the back of them lol well amy is inleeds atm and theyve have just sed to night that they want me to stop again tomorrow night a the doctor up there is happy with her to come home and see there is no reason for her to go back to airedale i think now the only reason why she would of been going back there was if he was being sick after feeds so i have to get there from gargrave to leeds b4 half nine to speak to the doc and to tell him i dont want her to go back to airedale at all id rather stay at leeds then airedale as there other parent on the children ward and i can talk to other people then. coz taying in airdale i feel like ive only got the walls to talk to lol and because im alo isolated where i live they think thi is a good idea to so hopefully im only going to stop tomorro night and she come home on wedneday they just want me to get ue to get up and feed her and that lot lol im really looking forward to it and the bet thing about her being on childrens ward i can stop with her in the same cubical yay lol and the nure will be there to obv give her her pain relief and penicillin but all is looking good lol she really i showing them
:hug: So sorry she's had to go through even more surgery :( At least you know she'll be well looked after there. I hope she's ok
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