All these babies!


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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are making me really broody and i am getting really excited and cant wait for my baby to come, awww i really cant wait, is anyone else this excited, we are all just waiting in our house and we know it will be soon, i only have just over 6 weeks (but i always come early) this little one is the fourth child and my others are 18,16 and 12 and they cant wait to have a new brother or sister, i have got my bag packed and everything all ready.
I know! There was obviously a lot of xmas nookie going on! Its a nice distraction thinking about other peoples babies instead of obsessing about when your own is going to turn up!
I hope and pray every day for my little one to make an appearance :roll: Its so exciting seeing everyone elses babies arriving :cheer: :cheer:
yea hurry and drop them :) see jackys close :) :cheer:
I can't wait! My first baby was a week early so I'm hoping this one will follow suit!! Seem to be lots of overdue babys so some of us have to have our babies early surely!!!!
Aww, Rach, that was a lovely post. I was thinking the same and it was nice to imagine you and your kids, all waiting, with bag packed :D I've had my bag packed for ages too (and I'm booked for a homebirth!).

My scan pics (see links in my signature) were taken at 27wks+5) where the consultant said the estimated weight was 4lbs, so I keep wondering what my baby must look like now, almost a month on. I keep thinking (hoping!) I'll go early too.

I already have most of my Christmas shopping done and a lot of presents wrapped (it wasn't easy finding Christmas paper in August, let me tell you!) because I have 2 older kids at primary school and, as I'm due in November, didn't want to leave every too last minute. I've even written out Christmas cards. But I'm worried now that I'm too well organised and that everything's dragging as a result...I even had two holidays this year to try and keep me occupied.

I'm now clearing the house of any junk/clutter. I've given bags and bags of clothes to charity and, as they wouldn't take bric-a-brac, I'm having a carboot sale ths weekend. I want to have a massive clear out before I get in all the baby's gear (and then of course all the toys my other two will get for Christmas). I've even started to look for Halloween outfits for my other two, "just in case" I go a week early....and I've bought them a present from the baby to produce when s/he is born. I've red-decorated all the bedrooms. I just need to gloss every available wood surface and I should be all set... :D

I think my kids are fed up with the mention of this baby by now (as much as I'm fed up waiting).

What are you all doing/have you still to do, to prepare?
wendy, i was looking at your scan pics yesterday, they are really sweet! i totally understand about all the organising you have been doing, i have had a few clearouts, my youngest has been doing a couple of car boot sales with her nanna, i have been back and forward to the charity shops with bags of stuff and washing paintwork down, i think the cloth is stuck to my hand most days lol...its just a waiting game now, i am due on the 22nd october and its my birthday on the 26th so i am hoping it may come then also all my other kids have been born on a friday and this one is due on a monday so it cant come on a apart from that s/he can come when its ready.x

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