All the Clomid ladies!

thanks chick it sucks, especially when we have to deal with all the nasty side effects!!

But I will be going back on it after my operation so I can come back and join all you lovely clomid ladies xxxxxxxx
Good i'm glad your getting back on it . Yeah 4 months of feeling like that grrrrrrr , well positive thinking it will all be worth it x
Vicky have you tried the injectables ? I have a friend who has bad pcos, clomid never worked for her, nor did tamoxifen what i am on, but they tried her with injectables & they worked for her. Do you want me to get the name of them from her for you, so you could mention them to your doctor ? She is a nhs patient too. x
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I am on the last day of taking clomid, so day 6. I have been having some weird dreams that have woken me up in the night, along with hot sweats. Does anyone know how long the effects of clomid last? Is it the fist 2 weeks of your cycle or the whole cycle? I've got to work tonight so i hope i don't get any effects when i take it tonight!!:lol:
By the way how do i update the bottom of my screen like most of you girls eg how long ttc?
Kirsty how did the scan go?
Usually symptoms go a few days after stopping taking them. I am on tamoxifen & i stopped 2 days ago now, but had cold sweats last night, weird dreams like you say & tossing & turning, so am hoping my hormones return to normal so i can get a good nights sleep. Do you take your clomid of a night ?

I was the same i had to ask myself lol, so you go to your User Cp then on the right side there should be a pink button that says signature, click that, & thats where you put your stuff or a ticker like mine above, dont forget to press save hehehe :)
Joyous it went good right side many small and one large measuring 14mm and on the left one measuring 15mm she said she expects the 15mm to ov over the weekend and im in on mon for another scan to see how they're lookin. I had a student nurse in so everythin was explained fully and i paid attention to the lesson lol .
My symptoms have faded but not totally gone , i'm still a bit headachy but not as bad , the first 4 days after the tabs were awful and i thought i was having an aneurism or something , and now i'm just emotional and a tiny bit on edge ..... also i have noticed my scalp is really really itchy and there is some dandruff :shock: never had it in my life!!!!! x
Well Im now 8 DPO I hope and Im heading to Rome for a wee long weekend! Dont even really mind if I dont get a BFP but I do hope Ive ovulated! Would make my week! Got to phone Mon but wont come online to update till Wed. Good luck everyone! Xxx
So how did the scan go today kirstymichelle? It sounded quite positive.:)
I've had a fwe headaches over the weekend but hoping they will subside now. I won't have a scan this month as the fertility clinic have already scanned me on clomid and know that it works. Does anyone use the oveulation kits whilst on clomid?:)
Well not good news for me. 21 day bloods back and my levels are below 1. No ovulation Im absolutely gutted! Bloody body! Had enough. Dont get why I got a peak. Heres me thining Im in a 2ww! Fat chnce. To go Fri for 28 day bloods. Pointless though!!!
Hi ladies just catching up on this thread. I have to have one, possibly two cycles off clomid while I wait for the fertility doctor to prescribe me progesterone (or up the dose, but I don't want that doing as I ovulated on 50 mg) at my next appointment. Don't forget about me!

Laura that sucks I'm really sorry...were you being tracked? it is possible they did 21 day bloods on wrong day?
Laura demand folicle tracking and bloods on next cycle. My progesterone levels were high but AF arrived 4 days early, 2nd cycle they tracked it to get a better picture.

Ive just commenced my 3rd Clomid cycle! xxxxx
Good luck Chaz and Laura you neeed to be more closely monitored x x x

I had some good news from my scan after the bad on Monday seems the nurse was wrong and she was actually looking at my corpus leutum x
So the 21 day bloods are not necesarrily the diffinitive on ovulation? I was so sure I had as I got the peak on my cbfm right at the correct time on csd 13 and 14 and I swear I had ov pains. But that would have definetly made my bloods higher on Fri. I feel so deflated and broken. I will speak to the nurse and mention follicle tracking etc but not sure what they say the next steps are. I had such a lovely time in Rome. Whole time secretly thinking I was coming back to a BFP. Feel so silly now. Not even ovulated!!!
My nurses told me the scan give a more definitive answer as they can check follicle size and qty. Im not getting scanned or having bloods done this cycle, they leaving me to it, so ill know im OVing when i get the pains lol.

So glad you had a lovely time in Rome. Dont count yourself as out tho hun, bloods could be wrong xxxx
I'm in the same situation as you Chaz with this cycle, they are not scanning me as i've been done before so i have to guess when i ovulate. Does anyone do ovulation tests when on clomid?
Sorry to hear your results laura, it's so hard as you know it's best to stay positive and optimistic and when you get negative results its so disappointing.:shock:
I'm on day 11 so better get bust in the next few days. My OH and i work shifts so it makes it even harder to try and do it and it's more stressful!
Spoke to my nurse today about my opk's and she said although its ok to use them the best method is to temp an have sex on regular every other day until your chart shows the temp rise then you have covered it and your temp stays quite flat when your not ov , coupled with opk's should give you the best answer, though temping can only tell you when you have ov'd hence the ever other day sex! . She is a fertility nurse and was tryin for 4 years until she temped then got preg in two months x

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