All symptons gone, very worried


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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Hi there, I'm 5 weeks and 1 day pregnant, I was wondering if any of you guys can relate to whats happening with me, as I am very worried, and my 1st doc appointment isn't until Monday (3 days time).....

I have done 2 positive pregnancy tests (the most recent one was 6 days ago and very strong lines) and I'm 5-6 days late starting my period - I'm very regular. For the last 5 days I have been exausted, headachey, mood swingy, ravenously hungry, craving citruss foods, sore breasts and a bit crampy expecially at night and after going to the toilet. i REALLY felt pregant and it was amazing, i loved it... But since yesterday morning all of my symptons have gone,....... nothing! i'm not even hungry! my breasts are not tender at all. no headache. . . just a few crampy feelings still....

I'm really worried. I have had no bleeding at all, but just have an instinct something bad has happened... or going to happen. I think i might do another test today but it may still have a positive answer but not as bold?
don't worry- it's quite common for symptoms to disappear. i'm sure everything will be ok. Stay positive and try not to worry xx
I've had the same, I had very light brown discharge last nite, no cramping at all, I'm worried too :(
I didn't have any symptoms at all until I was around 7 weeks. Even now at 11 weeks the only real symptom I have is that I gag alot if I don't eat often enough.

Try not to worry Hun everyone has different symptoms at different times! :)

Don't worry! Symptoms come and go, mine did! Some days I felt like i was so uncomfortable, tummy was hard up the top and period pains.. then other days i had nothing at all! Im 12 weeks + now and everything is fine! :)
i had nothing at all with my little boy and he 2 now hehe

this time from about 5 weeks ive been so tired, sore boobs an feeling sick with a horrid taste in my mouth,
about 5 days ago i started spotting very very little light yellow bronw, an now im para my symptoms are easing of haha i think some can be in your head, my fingers crossed all is ok, but i wouldnt worry at all, what will be will be x x x x
Thank you all so much, I do feel more positive about things now. I will see how things go. I did another test about an hour ago, and it was positive. I think the thing that shocked me was that my symptoms were so bold, and now theres nothing at all, but maybe imy body was just adjusting to the changes... Bring on mondays doc appointment ! xxx
Hi Guys, Just wanted to let you know that my symptoms came back yesterday but lots worse!! :) I was sick and had the most awful headache for around 9 hours! was really exausted too. I'm better today, got the doc at 4:50, and i think she'll prob put me in for an early scan if shes feeling nice, i'lll let you know what she says x
Hi there, I'm 5 weeks and 1 day pregnant, I was wondering if any of you guys can relate to whats happening with me, as I am very worried, and my 1st doc appointment isn't until Monday (3 days time).....

I have done 2 positive pregnancy tests (the most recent one was 6 days ago and very strong lines) and I'm 5-6 days late starting my period - I'm very regular. For the last 5 days I have been exausted, headachey, mood swingy, ravenously hungry, craving citruss foods, sore breasts and a bit crampy expecially at night and after going to the toilet. i REALLY felt pregant and it was amazing, i loved it... But since yesterday morning all of my symptons have gone,....... nothing! i'm not even hungry! my breasts are not tender at all. no headache. . . just a few crampy feelings still....

I'm really worried. I have had no bleeding at all, but just have an instinct something bad has happened... or going to happen. I think i might do another test today but it may still have a positive answer but not as bold?

Try not to worry. I havent had any symptoms really. My period was always irregular but in may this year something felt different. I had been very tired, feeling sickly but not being sick and peeing alot and then they dissapeared. I am now nearly 30 weeks pregnant. Not everyone has symptoms and if they do a lot dont have much symptoms. Just stay positive and do another test and see what comes up this time and go and see you're doctor. Good luck x

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