9wks 5days and worried


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2012
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Hi there

I am 9wks5days, and im worried as i dont feel sick at all today and havent for 3days i feel hungry alot and my breasts have never been sore, im just worried sbout the pregnancy :(
Ive also been gettin pains like period ones too today
The pains are likely to be the baby nestling in your womb, and the sickness...well it might have just wore off for a bit? You will get hungrier as your body is using more energy to make Lo, so make sure you eat plenty. Things like spinach and meat have iron in to help with any tiredness you might get, oh some cereals do too x
Aww thanks hun, ive booked in for an early scan tomorrow i just wanna see that our baby is ok, xx
I'm sure you will be fine hun. The minor symptoms that I did have disappeared around 9 weeks. Sometimes they came back and sometimes they don't. I was peeing 5 times a night and that stopped also about a week ago. Now I am just tired all the time and hungry!

Good luck tomorrow. x
Yer im peein like a trooper lol, im happy for the sickness to subside, today is first time i manages a hot dinner in weeks :) xx
the placenta starts to take over at 10 weeks s this could be why your symptoms are sibsiding, plsu my nausea came back with avengeance in tri 2 :( x
I had pretty much zero symptoms as first... no sickness or anything! It's all hitting me in tri 2 now... don't worry hun some people simply get away with no sickness or anything!
hiya im 8 weeks tomoro and have sickness on and off and at difrent times of the day but today it seems to have stayed away but my boobies are still killing me am still peeing for england and am bloody shattered donjt worry and im sure ur scan will go brilliantly gd luck xxx
I'm having good days where I barely feel sick at all, and bad days when it returns with full force. I don't think it's unusual to subside for a few days. Good luck for your scan tomorrow x
Im 9+1 and I haven't felt sick at all today. I even had the energy to walk to nursery, then to the local retail park and back again!!! Never could have done that last week.
Symptoms come and go for most people I think and it's nothing to get yourself worried about xx

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I've never had sore boobs, not with Charlie and not with this little bean (in somewhere between 2/3 months I think. Sickness however that's another thing. Mind you, I don't bloody have any boobs unless I'm pregnant lmao x
Aww thanks u girls, u pit a smile on my face thanku, itsamazing how u can love something/one so much and you havent met them, i just hope i have a safe and healthy pregnancy/birth/life xxxx
I am sure all will be fine with your bean tomorrow, I had my second scan at 9w 5d and it was mazing how much you could see (I was measuring 4 days more but still...)

I have been very lucky and had few symptoms the whole way through. Tiredness and hunger is all I have now, my sore boobs stopped at about 8 weeks? I only ever had occasional nausea in the afternoon between about 7-9 weeks and was never actually sick!

All my symptoms, sore boobs and sickness etc stopped around 9-10 weeks, i panicked like mad but apparently it's normal since the placenta takes over then.
Where would i be without you :)

I tend to feel gippy after food if i eat to much and first thing in a morning i gip like mad bring bile up and feel poorly for a few hrs then im ok, smells have died off, i tend to be able to smell all things again without wanting to vomit lol.

I dont tend to drink much water as that is a big no no and wants to come back up, however ive taken a liking to bitter lemon, so i thought its better to drink that than nothing else, even fruit juice and fruit gives me cronic reflux pain and just comes bk up :( so ive eaten what ive fancied...hated pregnancy 2wks ago but now im just totally in love xx

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