All so confusing - weaning/milk

Magic Monkey

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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AHHHHHHHHH! I have just been to the useless HV and mentioned that Ella seems to have gone off solids. She told me not to up her milk to compensate for this (exactly ehat I had done! :oops: ) but I didn't admit to it. So I asked her how much milk she should be having (thinking that I am giving too much and that is why she won't eat) and she said "well it really depends on the baby" WTF kind of help is that!

So, how much milk do/did your LOs have at 61/2 months, how many bottles a day and how many ozs? Ella is 17lb5oz and has been having 4 9oz bottles a day and prob drinking about 28oz in total a day.

If I cut her milk, will she start eating more, or is this just a phase in the weaning process?

Sorry, so many questions but it is all so confusing and everything that I read says something different.
sass said:
AHHHHHHHHH! I have just been to the useless HV and mentioned that Ella seems to have gone off solids. She told me not to up her milk to compensate for this (exactly ehat I had done! :oops: ) but I didn't admit to it. So I asked her how much milk she should be having (thinking that I am giving too much and that is why she won't eat) and she said "well it really depends on the baby" WTF kind of help is that!

So, how much milk do/did your LOs have at 61/2 months, how many bottles a day and how many ozs? Ella is 17lb5oz and has been having 4 9oz bottles a day and prob drinking about 28oz in total a day.

If I cut her milk, will she start eating more, or is this just a phase in the weaning process?

Sorry, so many questions but it is all so confusing and everything that I read says something different.

before weaning my lo was having 4 x 7oz bottles but the middle bottles i was lucky if he had 4-5 oz so roughly 24oz per day. when i started weaning i was giving milk first and then solids but now i give solids first ( apart from morning bottle) and then half hour later give milk.i think it depends on where you are at with the weaning as my lo is on 3 meals a day so i do not worry if he has had rougly 20oz of milk a day( he never has more now). i also give him fromage frais and cauliflower cheese to up his dairy.i found that he ate more solids once i gave it to him first rather than the milk. im still abit confused too to be honest as i mentioned how much my lo should be having to my HV and she to said all babys are different!!
i hope i have helped a little xx
every hv advises differently :?

Kys 8 months so should be on 3 meals. he usually does but if he wont eat one particular meal after ive tried various options and he seems hungry i give him milk. If your little girl doesnt fancy solids but is crying for milk i wouldnt let no hv tell me not to up the milk intake :talkhand: what does she expect you to do? let her cry and get even more upset coz shes hungry, pffft shes only 6months for christ sake :evil: sorry really gets on my nerves what some hv's say. :shakehead:

My son usually has at least 3 bottles a day. he always eats better in nursery and has a bottle as usual when he wakes in the night or at the latest 6.30am. he might not have another one then til 5pm if he eats well (including 5oz on his cereal in the morning) then one for bed. Im off work today and he did ask for an extra bottle at 11am. I dont think ive given him anymore than 4 bottle since he was about your LO's age, but if he asked for it i would give it to him. :hug:
My son eats very little solids and breastfeeds all night :roll: :wall:

I've been told to cut out his night feeds so that he will eat more solids, but that is proving very difficult.

To be honest, your LO is only 6 months old, so I wouldn't be too concerned at this point. She's only meant to be at the very beginning stages of weaning - trying foods out and tasting - she doesn't necessarily need three huge meals a day at this point.
It's when you get to nearly 13 months like Alex and the food intake is still low that you have cause to worry!

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