All by myself *rant alert*


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2007
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Im going to be all by myself toinght as its matts friends birthday and he is off out on the lash! Normally it doesnt really bother me him going out and rolling home steaming drunk and slobbering more than bulldog in a butchers. but i really dont like being by myself at the moment i dont know if its because people keep saying the twins can be here anytime now and putting the s!$ts up me.
Doesnt help that im on a complete downer today aswell cant fit into any of my clothes apart from jogging bottoms and one pair of black trousers all my tops r riding up showing my belly my belly looks horrid with all my fat there and im looking like a heffer.


Sorry its turned into a bit of a rant

Dont expect replies just needed to write it down
i know how you feel :( My OH is out tonight, then he's watching the footie tomorrow. I feel poo about it. :cry:

I never go out anymore (all my friends get plastered) and even if i did, i feel like i cant look nice anymore cos im so huge! (self pity alert :shock: lol)

I mostly dont mind him going out, infact i quite like the peace, but i feel really down today and i dont fancy yet another night in on my own either :( I have said to him to make the most of it, cos as of march, hes gonna have to stay in! I cant be alone incase sproggy makes an early appearance, and he cant be out drinking if he has to get me to the hospital!!

He'll pay though :twisted: Im owed soooooo many nights out when the baby comes, and if i have a drink or two, i wont be able to deal with the baby in the night. He'll have to do it.......shame :lol: :twisted:
Run yourself a nice bath and relax and at least you can pick what to watch on the tv :D .

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

We all get days when we are on a downer its those stupid hormones which are working overtime with two of the little mites in there.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i want to chain him inside and wear a belly the size of mine and confine him to crutches give him heartburn make him wear clothes that are too small for him and let him walk for 10-15mins at a time then make him stop for half an hour and see what he gets done!!!

I know its not his fault but he thinks being pregnant is a breeze and i just moan for the sake of it half the time!!!! grrrrr
we will all have to go in the chatroom when they have gone out and keep each other company!!!!
I havent been out for months but it will all be worth it in the end.

I have the opposite problem my OH doesnt like pubs or clubs so very rarely wants to go out the odd occasion when he does go out i really enjoy the peace and quiet and time on my own.
I'm all alone too! My OH has gone out on a stag do... it's the first time I've spent the day alone with Evie...and surprisingly I've managed quite well! I'm dead chuffed but I'd much rather OH was here though.

I'm dreading him coming in at ridiculous o-clock smelling of beer...he'll collapse in bed and snore like a pig!! He hasn't been out for about 6 months if not longer so I can't really grumble
Ive said to Matt that if he comes back like he did last time he can stay in the tent he has put up in the garden to air out b4 he puts it away!!!!!
but he has to let me know he is home 1st as i cant settle or sleep till i know he is back through the door esp after last time!!!!!!!
Awww hun :hug:

U will be ok - u have us lot here ;)

I'm always on my own. Its got that bad that I move back home to mum and dads at the weekend cos I am fed up being on my own all week :(
Bee said:
I'm always on my own. Its got that bad that I move back home to mum and dads at the weekend cos I am fed up being on my own all week :(

Oh no, thats terrible :cry:

My OH doesnt go out that often i suppose........not normally anyway, but since xmas he's been going out a lot more. Maybe he's getting his nights out in while im still preggers, cos he knows he has to do the babysitting when sproggy comes so i can go out every so often, lol.

I dont mind really, but a couple of times he's announced it right at the last minute (and usually after saying we'll get a take away and a DVD) then he gets a better offer from his mates and buggers off :x
sazzylou said:
Bee said:
I'm always on my own. Its got that bad that I move back home to mum and dads at the weekend cos I am fed up being on my own all week :(

Oh no, thats terrible :cry:

Its ok really - I put myself in this position so can't complain. Gets a bit lonely though and I hate not having someone to share things with. Talking to yourself gets a bit boring after a while :lol:
my OH has also gone for a boys night out! We are so rarely apart i think the only time hes had a night out with the boys was once at the beginning of our relationship, and then again at his stag do!!!! (not cos i dont let him, hes just not a party animal)

altho i think he'll use the excuse he has to get back to his pregnant wife, to come back early, and make me look like a psycho lol
Bee said:
I'm always on my own. Its got that bad that I move back home to mum and dads at the weekend cos I am fed up being on my own all week :(

i lived on my own for years before i met OH. I was quite happy in the week but i know weekends can get lonely.

At least you'll have someone to keep you occupied for the next 18 years :twisted:
gymbabeliz said:
Bee said:
I'm always on my own. Its got that bad that I move back home to mum and dads at the weekend cos I am fed up being on my own all week :(

i lived on my own for years before i met OH. I was quite happy in the week but i know weekends can get lonely.

At least you'll have someone to keep you occupied for the next 18 years :twisted:

Oh yeah :lol: Poor kid is going to be fed up of me by the time its 2 - it will be wanting to move in with gran and grandad :lol:
why is it that Oliver goes to bed when daddy takes him up but when it comes to me taking him to bed all hell breaks loose and he insists on playing up....just when u need a glass of wine to calm yourself down!!!!!!!!!!
tattybear85 said:
....just when u need a glass of wine to calm yourself down!!!!!!!!!!

Ahh, wine.....i miss that. I used to pratically shove Martin out the door when i wasnt preggers..i loved it. Id have some wine and stick a DVD on, it was great. But now im all fat and hormonal, he should stay in and be miserable with me dammit!! :rotfl: He'll be in the pub about now.....having a grand old time, the SWINE! :evil:
and to top it off i just tripped over a toy in his room...half landed on his bed ive hurt my foot though!!!! il blame matt in the morning as he usually puts oliver to bed hehe!!!

Im sounding like a right moaning minnie tonight!!!! need to cheer up im getting old b4 my time with all this moaning

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