All alone :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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I really hate been in the house on my own at night, i get really scared and i like coming home and spending time with alan, even if we are in different rooms its what im used to i just like him been around..well we need the money so he has taken on shifts at work temporarily and that starts tonight so i just got home (half seven) and he went to work at half five and wont be home till 6am, and then he has the same thing all weekend so he will be sleeping all day and i wont see him all weekend, this is going to be the same for the next 3 months, and i came home today on the bus, he usually picks me up and as soon as i got in it felt so different and empty and then i got really upset and just burst into tears. Im really scared of been on my own and i really miss him, im not used to him not been around so its really different.

Do i sound really stupid? its not like he has gone away for ages..i feel like a complete plonker but i cant help it.

cas x
Oh Cassi don't feel stupid I know exactly how you feel because my DH also works overnight once a week and I hate it :( I'm lucky because I have a dog that sleeps on the bed with me but we are soon moving to a new house and its detatched and there are fields behind and I'm already scared!

I find sleeping with the TV on really helps x
Oh, I'm sorry you're feeling lonely and can sympathise. My OH works shifts and it's only really bothered me since being pregnant.

My only advice is enjoy some special bonding time with the LO. When I feel lonely I try to remember I'm NOT alone and I chat to my bump about the future and enjoy every wiggle and kick.

Keep the light/TV on if it makes you feel better and remember it's a means to an end and all the time apart now will help you create a better life for your family.

Big hugs to you :)
i'm totally the opposite i love having the house to myself can dance and sing like an idiot with crap music blaring out! but dont like going to bed on my own if no ones home, before ben moved in i used to have the tv on when i went to bed and would set the sleep timer as i would panic over evry noise otherwise!
i love having the house to myslef when my hubbys on call. :D i can do whatever i want to and me and the kids have a ball!
awww hun, how is it at tho mo u will just have to tlk alot on here to us
well its lonely and quiet..i cant have music blaring cause our house is terraced so would get the neighbours playing theirs loud and i sent a not so nice letter to them a few weeks ago about their music non stop!!

I however have been cheered uup by the fact that Sezer the w*nker was just told he got voted out of the house with 91% of the vote!! made my week..i made sure i got my vote in last night!! i cant stand the tw*t!!

cas xx

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