
i think i might go out and get drunk this weekend, i havent been drunk sincei found out i was pg, even the night out when i left hayden for the first time i behaved, i only had 2 glass' of wine and a cider and black co i thought if i go ott straight away i'll get too drunk! i wasnt even tipsy!

hmm..i feel a plan coming on! :)
sounds like aplan to me Fran :D

I have only been out a handful of times since i had Jack :(

Like i said before i was just getting back into the swing when i found out i was PG
In fact i was out the weekend before i got my BFP :oops:
i shouda known really as i didn't drink much and was spoiling for a fight with my sister BF ( i blame hormones 'cos thats not me at all, i'm a happy drunk :D )

Shame your not closer fran, its sounds like we would have a right session together :rotfl:
yeah i keely..what a recipe for drunken disaster!! hehe..

funny you should say that, before i got my bfp i was out and got trollied..i had a fight with my sister dont know why but getting drunk made me violent and moody! i had a hangover from hell aswell..then i found out why the following monday!!
wow that is bizarre

I swear to god i could have ripped his head off that night and he didnt even really do owt :shock:

who'd have hormones eh?

you me and keely? :cheer: GIRLS ON TOUR WOOHOO :cheer:
hehe hope its not more like girls on the floor!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

i'll get my tolerance back up..kidnapp keeley and come vist u..ooh better bring a babysitter..OH will do!! lol
Now THAT sounds like a plan
are there any good places to go out in west yorkshire?
i've never been there! london is overpriced so u need a bit of dough to get drunk..but thats never stopped me! :cheer:
We have a few cheap and cheerfuls near where i live

We tend to just go to Gotham ( sorry next town to us, not called Gotham really)
We always end up at The Regal, OMG it is such a dive but i love it :D

beleive it or not i have never even been to Leeds drinking, i like to stay where i know if you get what i mean, too dodgy to stray nowadays :roll:
Big fat zero and doubt I will ever have more than a glass of wine again. I work with alcoholics and its soul destroying to watch them kill themselves. lose their family and all self respect through alcohol. Nope, put me off for life now.
Woohoo a sesh!! :dance:
yay the more the merrier ;) it is a real shame we dont live closer cos it would be lovely to go for a good night out with you girls!

i've arranged to go out friday night my sister came round, turns out shes going for a few drinks with my cousin and invited me (mums having hayden)
yay :)
WOOO HOOOO bring on the session!!!!

Fran I cant believe you aint been drunk i have been drunk 3 times since Ellis.... :oops: "thanks mum your a great baby sitter!!" hehe

But i agree with the fact that i thought i would get drunk really quick and thought wicked cos the night would not be so expensive but no luck!!

When out for OH bday end of august and we spent £80 and all i kept think the next day was that nearly two weeks worth of shopping! MY GOD I AM GETTING OLD haha xxxx
oh yeah i know..the moneys another thing now we have children its harder to justify spending money on booze but sod it i'm gonna have a fun drunken time on friday :)

hope you dont mind being kidnapped for the session i said i would kidnapp you and we'd go to jo's..oh and kims coming too :) hehe
haha you name the time and I am there!!! :dance: xxx

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