
I don't drink most of the time. I will only drink if I go out and that is hardly ever so I voted none. I used to be out every friday night and saturday night but since I got with Chris and had Aaron I just don't even think about drinking. I won't sit at home and drink so I just don't drink.
Minxy said:
Whoops, I'm the biggest drinker so far! :oops:

I've always enjoyed alcohol, but to be honest think I mis-used a little in my early 20's. As a single 'career' woman living alone I was out (and drunk) most nights.

I'm much better now, hardly touched it at all during pregnancy, and am back to a few social units now! :D

me too i actually cant believe how much i used to would kill me now! me and my best mate would go to this pound a pint night we'd do easily 7 pints of snakebite..shots..maybe even share a bottle of wine then we'd go home (we shared a flat) and drink more wine! and it wasnt just on a saturday we'd go out every night after work and weekends except for monday when we recovered and caught up with our washing etc..

we slowed down a bit when we moved our prospective parners in..but we were still pretty bad! she shows me old pictures and i cringe!
this was us at v festival 2004
Pre-Damien, way more than 10+ a week, more like 20+!
After Damien, varies between None - 10+
And now 1 or 2 units a week, although rarely anything. I have shandy's if I fancy a drop of something fizzy :)
I binge drink lol i dont ever drink unless im out on a mad one :lol:

i could never just sit in my house with a glass of wine :puke: i hate the taste, and only drink to get drunk about once a month i go out and get wrecked
FRAN!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

What a great pic! The face on that woman walking past in the background! She looks disgusted! What was SHE doing at V????
do you know what minxy?? thats EXACTLY what i said when i saw this pic!! hehe

i know its really bad..the pics from reading fest are far worse! i fell in the mud! lol
god boy did my brain have to work that out lmao
i have drink most nights lol
i said none as i only drink a hand full of times in a year. nothing against it have just never been a big drinker. dont like wine or beer and spirits are bit much for me to drink all the time. so i tedn to get drunk on a couple of malibu & cokes! nice cheap date i am :lol:

do like cocktails though - very occasionally have a binge on them if we have people over for an evening. multiple screaming orgasams is delicious :D have the recipe if anyone fancies one :rotfl: (and no it doesnt involve the loan of my husband!)
i too am a binge drinker, before Ellis i would go out fridays and saturdays and me and best mate would drink a 75ml vodka bottle between us before we went out then at least 10 double vodkas when out!!!

Now i still drink about the same but only once every 2-3 weeks.

Fran hilarious picture, i would post one that i have of me drunk but its too rude, i am embarressed that it got printed, its of me squating and just pulling my knickers up!! :oops: :oops:

Em78 said:
have the recipe if anyone fancies one

omg yes yes please! I used to get jugs of screaming orgasms at my local pub but they stopped doing them a couple of years ago, and I've no idea how to make them myself, nor have I found anywhere else that does them!

I drink 10 + a week and before having Kiara it was 10+ a day so im far better now cant be a party girl no more.
Now i just have a few at night with Bernie when Kiara goes down for the night. I love my booze and there is nothing like a nice cold beer oh and i LOVE whisky yum!!
do ya know i had just got back into the going out on aweekend thing when i fell with Jack. :roll:

I put none a week because i don't drink at home at all except xmas or parties etc...

I'm a binge drinker, when i go out, i go for it big style as i know kids are at mums and i don't have to get up at some ungodly hour

Can easily sink 20 units in a night :oops:

In fact i am a bugger if we go out with OH's football team as they dare me to drink stuff and i can never turn down a dare, but bless em i can drink some of them under the table :rotfl:
Here you go Xena!

vanilla ice cream

equal amounts of the spirits, mix in a blender or hand blender with ice cream to taste, por over ice to serve and yum it up!

its stronger than it tastes so go steady!

another yummy drink is the bottles of fresh banana milkshake from marks and spencer shaken in a cocktail shaker with baileys and ice! mmmmmmm
Em78 said:
Here you go Xena!

vanilla ice cream

equal amounts of the spirits, mix in a blender or hand blender with ice cream to taste, por over ice to serve and yum it up!

its stronger than it tastes so go steady!

another yummy drink is the bottles of fresh banana milkshake from marks and spencer shaken in a cocktail shaker with baileys and ice! mmmmmmm

thanks hun! I'm gonna enjoy making these! Just my kind of drinks - creamy and yummy! :D
Em78 said:
Here you go Xena!

vanilla ice cream

equal amounts of the spirits, mix in a blender or hand blender with ice cream to taste, por over ice to serve and yum it up!

its stronger than it tastes so go steady!

another yummy drink is the bottles of fresh banana milkshake from marks and spencer shaken in a cocktail shaker with baileys and ice! mmmmmmm

:puke: that sounds gross! i am a woo woo girl!! :dance:

pmsl jo... good girl with the drinking blokes under the table would be funny to see all us binge drinker go out see who falls first ... :rotfl:

before i got pregnant i could drink my OH and his mates under the table, me and my best mate used to have downing comps with the blokes in our local and always win..i think the amount i used to drink would knock me out now, i need to get my tolerance back up!

actually its quite embarrasing i went to meet my oh from work (hes a pub manager) and one of his supervisors used to work in my local..she saw me and was like..oh i remember you and your friend, i cant believe you have a baby you used to be a right p*sshead.. you used to order double vodka redbulls and cocktails all night!

:oops: :oops:
fran_23 said:
actually its quite embarrasing i went to meet my oh from work (hes a pub manager) and one of his supervisors used to work in my local..she saw me and was like..oh i remember you and your friend, i cant believe you have a baby you used to be a right p*sshead.. you used to order double vodka redbulls and cocktails all night!

wow...that's kinde of rude of her really! (even if it was true lol). She didn't have to say that you used to be a p*sshead!!
Keely said:
[pmsl jo... good girl with the drinking blokes under the table would be funny to see all us binge drinker go out see who falls first ... :rotfl:


that would be fun lol
Ya see the thing is I always drink double vodka and orange and can drink at least 2 of them to their 1 pint!!!!

Well lets see eh? am out with all the lads on sat, lets see how i go!!!
one thing that might see me out first is that its agesssssssssss since i went out

Watch it I'll have one and be on the floor :rotfl: :rotfl:

does any ever find that sometimes you can drink like a fish and bee fine then other times you only have to sniff it to get a wobble on???

or is that just me :oops:
Xena said:
fran_23 said:
actually its quite embarrasing i went to meet my oh from work (hes a pub manager) and one of his supervisors used to work in my local..she saw me and was like..oh i remember you and your friend, i cant believe you have a baby you used to be a right p*sshead.. you used to order double vodka redbulls and cocktails all night!

wow...that's kinde of rude of her really! (even if it was true lol). She didn't have to say that you used to be a p*sshead!!

i never thought of it like that xena..that was quite rude wasnt it?
i was too busy being embarrased, the thing is the times she was talking about was when i was 18-20 so its normal behaviour for a young single girl i suppose.
I was agood girl at 18 and had Em had 20 :angel:

but god i make up for it now when i go out :twisted:

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