

Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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How much does everyone drink?

Not including pregnant people and breastfeeders, obviously, but how many units is everyone having and what are your drinking habits?

Since stopping breastfeeding I'm having a drink on most nights! a drink I mean one or two bottles of beer or a glass of wine (not getting drunk every night!) It's more than I used to, I think I'm making up for lost time :lol:

A unit is:

1/2 pint Lager
Small glass of wine
One 25m shot of spirit.

So how many units are you all having?
Do we have to tell the truth? lol :lol:

I havent had any since I got pregnant :( ...looking forward to drinking a nice cold pint again though. Think ill pack some alcohol in the labour bag lol :lol:
violet-glow said:
Do we have to tell the truth? lol :lol:

I havent had any since I got pregnant :( ...looking forward to drinking a nice cold pint again though. Think ill pack some alcohol in the labour bag lol :lol:

You can vote on what you would normally be having if you like :)
Can you put a 10 units + on for me then lmao :rotfl: ...joking :angel:

Probably be only a few units, we only drank on the weekends.
i dont drink never have!
:angel: :angel:
the only reason i dont drink is coz im allergic to alcohol :(
Whoops, I'm the biggest drinker so far! :oops:

I've always enjoyed alcohol, but to be honest think I mis-used a little in my early 20's. As a single 'career' woman living alone I was out (and drunk) most nights.

I'm much better now, hardly touched it at all during pregnancy, and am back to a few social units now! :D
I enjoy a drink on a night time, especially when DH is away :(
I firmly believe that a glass of wine a night is good for you.....but then again im lush! I did read that alcohol in moderation is good for you.
Definately 10+ and I'm not ashamed of it. I only drink when Rubie is in bed and don't get drunk. If I want to get drunk (once a week at most) my mum has Rubie over night. I drink at least 4-5 units a night usually. If I go out, or have people over, I will have about 10+ units in 1 night.
I easily drank 10+ units in a week before I was pregnant :oops:

I can drink quite alot without getting drunk, I can have about a bottle and 1/2 wine or about 6 bottle of Cirrus before starting to feel tipsey. Its rather annoying actually when everyone arround you is drunk and your still trying lol

In the past year we have slowed down cause we got our first mortgage etc but before that we used to go out :

Tuesday : Pub Quiz
Wed : Cheap night in town
Thursdat : Pub Quiz
Fri/Sat : its the weekend
Sunday : last day before work


Now thought - or should I say before I was preggers it would be on night mid week (usually wed) then Friday from about 4pm, then sat. Only Sundays on bank holidays lol

I used to have something like, 2/3 bottles of wine OR 8-10 equivelent pints of cider (sirus) OR 8-10 double Vodkas OR just mix and match them all :oops:

Thinking of all that now makes me wanna vom :puke:

Mum used to go mad with me!

I wont be returning to that drinking when Ive had bubs though costs to much ££££ but I know that some weeks It will still be in the 10+ easy, maybe every other week or something when bubs is with one of the many GP's

Like I say though, took alot to affect me so it wasnt like I was stumbling home all the time, at the end of the night I was the one making sure people were in taxis, walking home with friends and carrying my OH and our mate (who lives in the appt below us) home!
i have not had any alcohol since new years eve last year
i cant drink anyway it makes me ill


I used to drink loads before i got pregnant but rarely do it these days. I went out last Friday, had 4 1/2 pints of Fosters and very nearly died the next day, can't handle it anymore :(

Oh how my life has changed :lol:
OOOps we had better change that to 10+ units!!!! Hiiiicccup!
I used to drink loads, way more than 10 units :oops: Proud to say i don't drink when i'm pg but i am really missing it (I'm not an alcoholic by the way)
I never drink. Very boring :?

Had a glass of Champagne when we moved into our new house and was very tipsy :oops:

Have a drink at Christmas and that's about it :D
Im not allowed to drink because i get too carried away lol :oops:
I can easily get drunk on half a bottle of wine...
I drink 1 vodka mudshake a week ish - sometimes every 2 weeks. Currently banana flavoured because that's what they've got at my local netto lol.

I've never really been a big drinker to be honest.

Before I got pg, I only used to drink if we went out clubbing, which was about once ever 3 weeks or so. (Of course then I totally made up for it by getting completely paraletic when we did go clubbing lol).
I haven't voted as my unit intake changes every week.

I dont drink through the week or at weekends if Reece is at home. However when he's at my mums, like today, I drink well over 20 in 1 night :lol:

Tonight I'm off up the town and am planning on getting slaughtered!!! :lol: having a bottle of wine and a few cans before I go out at 7.30 then will continue drinking til 4am. I never know when to stop, I could never go onto soft drinks or water on a night out it would be wierd!

*raises her can of Stella to all the drinkers out there*
Ok, I'll be honest-nobody fone the Social Work. I drink every night-a glass or 2 of Rose wine-Ernest and Julio Gallo. its when Rebecca is asleep, I dont get drunk, think my body is immune to it now! :oops:

Seriously tho, when I cum in from work I feel like I could neck a bottle. I do NEED my glass of wine or 2 a night. Therefore I am 10+ units :roll:
Thank god someone else has voted 10+, I was worried it would only be me!! When I get in from work, after I have had a cuddle and a play with Rubie, the next thing I NEED to do is have a vodka and coke, and a cigarette (in the garden, of course). It makes me happy and isn't harming anyone so who cares!!
Kim said:
Thank god someone else has voted 10+, I was worried it would only be me!! When I get in from work, after I have had a cuddle and a play with Rubie, the next thing I NEED to do is have a vodka and coke, and a cigarette (in the garden, of course). It makes me happy and isn't harming anyone so who cares!!

Thank god someone else "needs" a drink! Kim we need to get to AA! :wink: Well the way I see it is that we aint going out getting pissed every night or weekend so if that's our only vice-we are doing pretty well! :hug: :cheer: :cheer:

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