AHHH Other Half rant!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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Aw he is doing my head in these past few days! I think he just thinks I'm 'putting it on' when I say I'm tired or feel sick!

The other night he woke me up TWICE when I was trying to have an early night. It was the first night of actual sickness (rather than feeling queasy!)... All I got back was 'you've been in bed all week!' - To be fair I had slept so much, but I was knackered and off for a week before I started college on Friday so why shouldn't I sleep if I can? I honestly dont think he understands what my body is going through just now! Needless to say after he woke me up the second time, that was me wide awake to silly times so was knackered for the next day at college!!

Then silly wee things like - we were walking round Asda trying to do shopping and after telling him I felt really sick (and being sick in my mouth a couple of times) he was adamant he was walking round slowly and reading out the names of food I already hate!! :wall2: Especially tuna... then he sits and eats it in front of me... Aww honest!

Then last straw was this morning... I asked if he could nip out & get me pancakes. Purely due to the fact that I'm feeling sick but I need something in my stomach. When I drive or I'm in the car i feel worse - hence the reason for asking him. Needless to say he is STILL sitting watching tv and saying either 'go get them yourself' or 'wait till after this'. I'm bloody struggling to eat as it is so when I actually have a feeling of wanting to eat a particular thing then surely I should eat it.

I'm honestly either really sensitive or I'm going to struggle with this kind of support through the remaining 7 months. I can not handle him being so childish!!

Sorry for the rant but I need to vent or I very may well walk out the door and not return!

He needs a bloody good slap!!

My OH was like this until I told him I was no longer doing any housework and he should try it....needless to say he realised how tiring it is, never mind being pregnant too and apoligised! Maybe you could stay with a friend a few days and see how he gets on without u? X

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:roll: I'm with you hun, all I've had through this whole pregnancy is constant snipes that I'm 'lazy'. In the beginning when the morning sickness just about did me in and I dared to ask him to occasionally make his own dinner (I felt awful and didn't want to eat, let alone cook), throughout the middle when I developed bad backache, severe pelvic pain and a flare up in an existing foot condition, and now in the end where baby is so high up that I'm having difficulty breathing and walking for any length of time because I'm so heavy- never sympathy, just "don't be so bloody lazy" :wall2: honestly, sometimes I could thump him! Some OHs are fantastically supportive, but unfortunately some men are really crap at understanding how demanding this is on our bodies- mine is a lovely OH in so many ways, but I hate to say, in this he's useless :oooo: I'm getting used to it! However I did get annoyed recently when I told him my friend offered to take our daughter to school for the first couple of months after baby's born, and he looked shocked and said "Why- you'll only need a week or so to recover, surely?!" :shock: Are you for real?!

Hope yours is nothing like mine, lol, and gets more supportive as your pregnancy progresses!!! x
i have a key ring that says "dont p*$s me off Im running out of places to bury the bodies"

That is exactly how this makes me feel ha ha. Sorry but WTF!!!! These men need to grow up, you poor ladies I want to give you a massive hug xxx
Well on the brightside, I had a rant at him after I wrote this... I was in tears, and explained how I felt and that I didn't want to be pregnant anymore - that I can't deal with a hangover never mind being constantly sick, not being able to eat whatever I want etc. I never meant I didn't want the baby, because I do so much... so does my OH so I thought that would shock him into realising how much it's already affecting me...

So after sitting and explaining everything, I bought him a couple of baby apps for dads for his iPhone etc... and he apologised, gave me a huge cuddle and he has been great ever since! I think he needed a wee shock and a kick up the backside! It's not easy for us females!!


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