

Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2011
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OMG just been to feed my horses and was walking back across the muddy field and slipped!!! didnt fall over just legs went apart and pulled everything downstairs. had a little of spd but only aches not stopped me doing anything but think ive pulled it far too much i cant walk its killing across my pubic bone and in my right hip.

gonna sit down now till i go midwife at 3 x x
i will do am fine now im sitting down x gonna have a bath a bit later x baby still as active x x bloody mud lol
Oh gawd take it easy mrs. Yes a bath will probably do a world of good for easing your muscles x
So glad you're both fine! Hope you have a nice, relaxing day, take care of yourself :hug:
thanks all im doing nothing now lol x x
omg sweetheart so glad your ok,my leg slipped the other night as i was gettin out of bath and kinda did the bloody killed me especially with my spd bein as bad as it is.your really lucky that u didnt seriously hurt yourself and thankgod end up bein stuck in the field somewhere on your own!! xxx
been to MW another new one!!! came out and feel like crying, my blood pressure is still high so she is coming out to see me on thursday, ive got protein in my wee, had BH while she was trying to feel where baby was and it hurt like hell, then he said his head was quite free WTF other MW said he was low, so looks like hes staying put longer than i thought!

and i cant walk properly either x just want to cry, ive had such a great pregnancy nothing really to complain about and now its all happening today!!!!

wish i could have a big glass of wine and chill, but the smell makes me sick!!!
So sorry to hear that babe! Don't forget u can still go into labour while baby is 'free'

Has she suggested anything for the pain?
I've had bh when they check u before and god it hurts!!
Have a nice warm bath and paracetamol babe try and relax xxx
she just said warm bath and paracetamol x oh is home and gonna sort dinner out.

think im getting bit emotional now too x my son asked how i got on so i told him then in the next breath hes asking me to take his girlfriend home WTF x told him he can walk her home its only 15 mins down the road.

just feel id like a bit of pampering off oh and kids x ive done everything as normal up to this point.
Sometimes you have to ask for it babe.. I've never complained to oh with my pains and stuff and done everything as usual throughout.. But recently I've been struggling to even do the washing up.. We had an arguement over it last night he thought I just couldn't be bothered n wanted him to do it.. Fact is I just can't!! I explained it to him properly in the end today (it's still not done I REALLY can't do it!!) and I think he's got the point now!! On the verge of tears when I attempt it :(

Hope they realize u need lots of tlc now and to not be so lazy and walk his gf home himself lol! Boys just don't think sometimes :roll: lol!
lol i hope so too, oh is good anyway will make tea and clean up occasionally whether i was pregnant or not. but wish he understood what spd is and pregnancy aches and pains etc, might have to kick him in the balls and say now you carry on as normal lol xxxx

anyway im hoping for a very quiet day tomorrow as my friend is sorting horses out and my dad is coming to see me in the afternoon so gives me an excuse to do nothing all day x x lol

i might even be in a better mood x x
Defo need a day doing sod all!!

I often fantasise about kicking oh in the balls and say now go do the housework bitch!!!! :lol:
lol could you imagine if we did x theyd be in bed for a week!!! and never let us forget x x might have to grab his bits while im contracting x
Last night I was having a bh and pressure and oh decided to slap me on the arm which nudged me and hurt my bump.. Threw the remote at him coz I couldn't reach him and it nearly knocked his tooth out :blush: lol.. Ah well teach him wont it!!
I do feel bad tho coz it's his bad tooth :(
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lol he deserved it x x i dont think they get it do they x
Awwww hunnie, If it's of any help, I've had two new midwives lately (first one because my midwife wasn't well and had the day off and the second one because they've swapped appointments around). And now I've got a new midwife completely! I've noticed that all of them word things in their own way and do things their own way too, so I wouldn't worry too much about what she said to you today about the head space. I got to listen to baby's heartbeat for longer than I normally do with one of the midwives last week. It worried me at first because normally the midwives only listen to the heartbeat for a few seconds, I thought something was wrong but it turns out she was doing it how she normally does it and was counting beats per second. You can imagine how worried I was lying there though, I was thinking all sorts!

Blood pressure is also usually high during the last few weeks of pregnancy :) I had glucose in my urine 3 weeks ago which really worried me, but last week at my midwife appointment my urine was clear again, they told me not to worry as sometimes things can be detected in the urine and then disappear soon after.

I too am finding it a struggle walking at the moment. Grace has been lying on a nerve for a while which is causing me lots of ache on the right side of my back/bum/hips :( and today I woke up feeling like Grace had doubled in weight! I literally cannot walk without struggling. I too have had a brilliant pregnancy, it's the last 10 weeks that have really been the hardest, what with stretchmarks popping out everywhere, aches and pains and I even threw up in my mouth the other day, I haven't been sick throughout my whole pregnancy!

I hope you feel better soon, not long to go now and you'll have your beautiful baby in your arms, It's very well worth it xxx
lol thanks x i had bad week last week as had my show which i thought was my water going as fluid came out first!!!! then i was sick one morning and i felt exhusted all week x x

think it must be body doing last minute things to me lol

thanks about the water thing x x positive thinking for me now x x

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