Agonising over Late AF


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
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Hi Guys,

Im new to the business of TTC and this is our first month of trying.

I am currently 15DPO and the witch should have got me yesterday but did not show up and there is no sign whatsoever of her coming to visist me today so far.

All my HPTs have been :bfn: and I am not going to POAS today as its an awful feeling when it comes back negative.

How long should I wait do you think to POAS again?

Im really confused and feeling pretty low. I don't know how long is a reasonable amount of time to wait before getting advice from a doctor! The last thing I need is to feel like a neurotic and crazy woman if I visit Doc!


Hey :) It's our first month too!

Well if the witch hasn't arrived that's a good sign I guess :)

Have you had any symptoms?

Good luck for your :bfp: xx
Sazzle the witch might be late if you are stressed and worrying, so try and stay calm (I know its hard!). Most tests would tell you if you are pregnant at 15 DPO but they been known to wrong, fingers crossed for you! Most docs will tell you to wait a year before seeing them unless you know you have probs (like PCOS or endo), also depends how old you are! Good luck xx
Thanks girls for your comments. I would love it if I did get a bfp demi but its looking less and less likely. Thought I had had symptoms but it would appear that either it was all in my head or my AF symptoms are now similar to pregnancy symptoms which isnt all that helpful!

Think you are right dyscochick, I do need to just relax and try and forget about it...maybe by not testing she will realise I am sadly waiting for her and she will put in appearance! If the witch is coming, I hope she comes soon so that I can get on with next month's effort at TTC!

Thanks again

I have my fingers crossed for you.

It is quite daunting in your 1st month. Im in cycle 19 and currently 2 days last compared to all my other cycles and got a BFN this morning.

Were you on the pill?

Same question as Chazabell - were you on the pill and if so when did you stop taking it? Only ask because when I was TTC I stopped the pill had a 'normal' 28 day cycle then started TTC and ended up having a 50day cycle which was very very frustrating and upsetting but was just my body settling back down. Stress will muck about with your cycle as well.
Good luck, hope it all sorts itself out soon :)
Coolbeans - I did use some crappy ones from Boots and then tried First Response and all are negative

Chazabell & Frankie - I was on the pill and came off it last month so maybe that I what is causing the upset...

Im probably just so ready to be a mother that the sensible answers for what may be going on are not the answers I immediately think of. It may well be the pill that is making my cycle all go to pot. Hope if it is that, that I settle down soon so that I know when to try.

Patience is a virtue apparantly!
That's exactely like I was and that 50 day cycle was horrible but also the reason I found this forum :)
I did also get my bfp the next month with no idea what my cycle actually was.
If you only finished last month.......just relax. May be a month or 2 for your body to establish its own "real" cycle.

I recommend keeping a note in diary/ calender then you know month by month how long your cycle's are. Helps me loads :)

Have my fingers crossed that you a lucky one and cath 1st time xxxx

P.s Welcome to the forum :)
Really cant tell you all how lovely it is to read all your helpful suggestions and comments - can't get over how supportive people are on this forum.

Thanks so much - I feel a little less crazy now and hope that if the witch is going to make an appearance that she just gets on with it!

TTC seems to be a pretty cruel process regardless of where you are on the journey, new, long term, a few months seems that we all have so many feelings about it wherever we are!

Thanks again, I'll try to de-stress and just play it all by ear!


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