age or weight?


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2010
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Ezzie now weighs 6.5kg which on the cow&gate formula tub is a 4 month old she is only 11 weeks today, my question is do you make bottles up based on age or weight?? thanks in advance xxx
Sorry can't help you Terry I'm not sure, prob age? X
I do it with what they want! A 2 month old might want to have as much as a 4 month old and vise virsa!
If your LO looks like they want more milk then offer an extra oz etc. Milk isn't based on age or weight it's based on their appetite!
I make up 5 oz bottles and Ellie drinks them ive never gone with the tub measurements xx
each time zak starts finishing all of his bottle at each feed, i just up them an oz. so once he finished his bottles that were 4oz all the time, i upped all his feeds to 5oz etc. hes 13 weeks now and has 7oz, 4-5 times a day x
yeah i agree with the girlie s, it depends on your baby some are hungry and some just aren't. Ben isn't a hungry baby he only can only manage around 2 half ounces a time, little and often xxxxxxx
aw Don Don I remember when Ellie was like that then she realised milk was goooooood lol now she is 6oz bottles every 4 hours except the nigth where she sleeps through xx
Ahh that's good to know hun, i was wondering when he was gonna begin to enjoy his feeds. God and that's brill, well done ellie!! I'm thinking, once he can handle more volume of milk he may go longer at night fingers crossed!! xxx
yeah Ellie since we put her in her cot in her own room she was about 11 weeks corrected and hated her moses basket and for the past 5 weeks we have been dream feeding her around midnight, but we let her fall over in her bouncer at around 8pm and then put her to her cot then dreamfeed her at midnight and thats her to around 7am although we have started on solids and see a big diff in how content Ellie is, but as everyone says all babys are diff xx
Alanna is 3n a half months n takes 8oz every 3 hours...she weighs 15 n a half lbs.. >.<

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