After miscarriage but not bled yet. How long does hcg take to drop?


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2015
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Hey. I've posted loads now lol sorry to mither you ladies. I just have loads of questions that need answering.

Anyway. I spotted on Saturday with pains. I'm not bleeding now. Had 4 hcg level blood tests. First 300s, second 800s, third 400s and il find out tomorrow the results of the fourth. But been told it's defo a miscarriage or ectopic.

I've just taken a pregnancy test and it's still showing bfp. Same colour but this isn't much to go on seeing as every one I've taken this pregnancy have looked the same. Pack of 30 bought on eBay.

I was hoping it was back to 0 to be honest so I can start TTC after the bleed. And obviously hoping it's not ectopic.

So my question is when did your hcg levels return to 0? if they double every 48 hours surely they should drop that quickly?

Thanks xx
They dont unfortunately. If you haven't passed bubs then the levels are not going to drop I'm in a similar situation. I just want this to be over now as well. I'm on bed rest as well and so I'm spending too much time on the Internet and I'm going stir crazy lol

It can take a very long time months even for the hcg levels to go back to 0 in the past I've been lucky and soon as the mc is complete within the week I've got bfns I never thought I'd want a bfn as much as I do right now!
Sorry Hun. Why are you on bed rest? Are you having a threatened miscarriage?

I hope you get the outcome you want and obviously get pregnant soon if not!!

So if I haven't bled yet then my levels will be the same? Il find out in the morning anyway but I hate waiting lol I'm just confused how they will diagnose either a miscarriage or ectopic if they are likely to have stayed the same.

It's such a pain all this waiting I just wish I could fast forward a few days.

So sorry hun
I got bfps for two weeks after my miscarriage. My mc was over within 24 hours and scan confirmed there was absolutely nothing left but I continued to get bfps for two weeks. But I was told I could ttc as soon as the bleeding stopped x
Sorry and thanks. It's so hard waiting and I've not even started bleeding properly yet. I've been told to explain expect a heavy bleed but only light pink for a day or two, now nothing. I just want to find out wants going on so I can try for another. Xx
No I have a missed mc. My baby has died but my body won't let go. I'm on bed rest because a stupid man with a cold sneezed on me then my immune system got a bit confused and thought it would attack my heart lol. Or at least I think that's what happened. Based on one doctor but I'm Waiting for a second opinion. I've not started to bleed yet I think I've had some light spotting but it's more tinged cm. My last two mcs I had light bleeding then all of a sudden I had a big bleed that well... Tmi but I needed a bath/shower let's say. I know not everyone is the same and it depends how far you were I was 7 weeks with 2 and 4 weeks with one. After the main bleed it was just like a heavy period though. I was advised to get maternity pads rather than regular sanitary towels but that may have just been how far I was. If you are worried contact the epu and they can help progress things usually. But it would depend on if yours is a mc or an ectopic.

So if I haven't bled yet then my levels will be the same? Il find out in the morning anyway but I hate waiting lol I'm just confused how they will diagnose either a miscarriage or ectopic if they are likely to have stayed the same

Your levels will likely be going down probably faster if you are having a mc in an ectopic they can actually rise as well. They will probably scan you again to check your tubes and uterus to see if that sheds light on where the pregnancy was/is.
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No I have a missed mc. My baby has died but my body won't let go. I'm on bed rest because a stupid man with a cold sneezed on me then my immune system got a bit confused and thought it would attack my heart lol. Or at least I think that's what happened. Based on one doctor but I'm Waiting for a second opinion. I've not started to bleed yet I think I've had some light spotting but it's more tinged cm. My last two mcs I had light bleeding then all of a sudden I had a big bleed that well... Tmi but I needed a bath/shower let's say. I know not everyone is the same and it depends how far you were I was 7 weeks with 2 and 4 weeks with one. After the main bleed it was just like a heavy period though. I was advised to get maternity pads rather than regular sanitary towels but that may have just been how far I was. If you are worried contact the epu and they can help progress things usually. But it would depend on if yours is a mc or an ectopic.

I have to phone them in the morning for my blood results anyway.

Poor you! I hope you get better soon! That sounds awful hun. I'm so sorry! I'm 5 1/2 weeks now.. I think! Both my September and October periods were very strange. 3 days, heavy clotting. But I only got a bfp after the October 'period' or whatever it was. I'm honestly not sure what's been going on to be fair lol the sooner I do I think I will feel a bit better xx
That's the worst is the not knowing. I've been told there's a chance they will find out that I have a problem as 3/4 of my mcs happened to end within 3 days of each other all at 7 weeks which is "odd" apparently. So I'm hopeful and the doctor who diagnosed my heart thing said he thinks I have sticky blood or hughes syndrome and wants me to be tested for that but I have to wait until I'm healthy and not preg I think as that can skew the results.
That's the worst is the not knowing. I've been told there's a chance they will find out that I have a problem as 3/4 of my mcs happened to end within 3 days of each other all at 7 weeks which is "odd" apparently. So I'm hopeful and the doctor who diagnosed my heart thing said he thinks I have sticky blood or hughes syndrome and wants me to be tested for that but I have to wait until I'm healthy and not preg I think as that can skew the results.

Sorry Hun. But hopefully if they find a medical condition then you can have treatment for that first which will then increase your chances of having a healthy pregnancy. I really do wish you the best of luck. I couldn't imagine going through 4! Just one is hard enough. Xxx
My levels were 2451 after I passed baby. I was bleeding for a week before, so I assume my levels remained the same as my hcg estimated Id be 5-6weeks which was about right with cycle. The reading following that 2 days later was 800 odd. I got a negative result a week or so later.

For everyone its different. My body seemed to bounce back quickly but some ladies bleed longer, take longer to pass and therefore hcg remaining for a wee while.

Sadly its a watch and wait approach, so sorry for your loss.

I do have a son already so I know I can carry to term. Something must have changed since having him. My mum could only have one child as could my partners mum but I'm stubborn lol if it was up to me I'd just keep trying and trying. My oh needed a bit of time out for a year so I just need to make sure he's happy about it. I think he takes it harder than me.
My levels were 2451 after I passed baby. I was bleeding for a week before, so I assume my levels remained the same as my hcg estimated Id be 5-6weeks which was about right with cycle. The reading following that 2 days later was 800 odd. I got a negative result a week or so later.

For everyone its different. My body seemed to bounce back quickly but some ladies bleed longer, take longer to pass and therefore hcg remaining for a wee while.

Sadly its a watch and wait approach, so sorry for your loss.


Thanks and same to you. I think I actually miscarried on Saturday. That was when the spotting and pains started. I had bloods done on Friday and they doubled from the previous one. It was only after having another blood test Sunday that I found out on Monday that my hcg levels had dropped by half. It's just the fact that I haven't bled properly that's confusing me. I actually just want it to happen now so I can mourn and move on. But right now I don't feel like it's going to happen quickly as I have no pains or signs that I'm due a bleed if that makes sense. What happens if I don't bleed? Does anyone know? Xx
I do have a son already so I know I can carry to term. Something must have changed since having him. My mum could only have one child as could my partners mum but I'm stubborn lol if it was up to me I'd just keep trying and trying. My oh needed a bit of time out for a year so I just need to make sure he's happy about it. I think he takes it harder than me.

I don't blame you. I already have one. I know I'm blessed to have her. But I really want another. My mum had my sister then an ectopic, then me and had 6 miscarriages but I'm not sure when. It is possible! Keep your chin up :) my partner has found this difficult I think. Probably because I've been crying on and off and having to deal with pains here and there and blood tests etc. I think he feels slightly responsible for my pain if that makes sense and probably wishes he could take some away. On Saturday when I was in pain and spotting he literally didn't know what to do. Looking back I feel sorry for him because I was a bit snappy that day lol I knew something was wrong and obviously I had pains too. All he could do was sit and watch. Though he did go to the shop and surprised me with chocolate, sweets, cookies and doughnuts to cheer me up lol so I can imagine how your husband is feeling. Good luck to you though xxx
So on Monday I found out my hcg levels were 475. Today they are 398. The nurse said that they still can't rule out ectopic and to go back if I get any pains. They are making me wait a week now :( I still don't know what's going on x
That's annoying. The limbo is the worst. Have they done a scan of you yet?
No. I'm really not happy to be honest.

They said only to go back if I have SEVERE pain. That's ridiculous. I mean surely that could end up with me loosing a Fallopian tube if it is ectopic and I wait?

I don't think they are willing to do anything because they've dropped even if it's not by much.

I'm annoyed and upset now :(
No. I'm really not happy to be honest.

They said only to go back if I have SEVERE pain. That's ridiculous. I mean surely that could end up with me loosing a Fallopian tube if it is ectopic and I wait?

I don't think they are willing to do anything because they've dropped even if it's not by much.

I'm annoyed and upset now :(

When I MC last month it was due to having a coil pregnancy (having increased chances of ectopic).

As my levels were like 2000's I did get a scan. They did not see anything and I specifically asked them to check my tubes. They said at 2000 they would hope to see something. If your HCG did not go over the mark where they are able to see the only thing they can do at that point is blood tests as the pregnancy has not progressed enough to be picked up on the scan.

If the test shows HCG to be decreasing and you are in no immediate/severe pain then that is a "good indication" of non ectopic although it cannot be "ruled" out as it is a possibility.

The fact that your pregnancy isn't growing means that it poses no immediate risk to your tubes and is going in the right direction.

I know its not what you want to hear, I know your upset, scared etc but sometimes not seeing is better? For me I knew I was going in, 2 scans later to twice be told nothing is there and although that was the case, its always harder seeing and hearing those words.

Some cases the pregnancy is reabsorbed back into the body and we do not pass any great clots. Some cases not everything passes and if HCG levels don't fully drop, that could be an indication of something left inside and could need medical management.

I would just make sure that your HCG is consistently dropping - <5 is not pregnant.

Thank you. They don't really say much to you on the phone. That was all she literally told me. I feel Like I'm going crazy!

If she had said what you just said then it would have reasured me a bit.

Thanks again xx
Thank you. They don't really say much to you on the phone. That was all she literally told me. I feel Like I'm going crazy!

If she had said what you just said then it would have reasured me a bit.

Thanks again xx

I know, my MW wasn't the sharpest either - so blunt "it's either a MC or early pregnancy" is what I got. I wasn't expecting my pregnancy so that was ok for me to digest however a lot of ladies going there are! Sensitivity is very important in these situations.

If you have any severe pain to a particular side then I would get myself straight to A&E. I think the fact you have had no sided pain means your tube is probably fine - you'd know all about it if it was an ectopic.

If you go to A&E in agony and explain the situation, they should have no problem giving you a trans vaginal scan and look at the "life canals" as my MW called it :lol:

I was told by another EPU member when I phoned for an appointment "just because your not in the catchment to be seen here, doesn't mean you can't have your baby here" I replied I am actually coming in to confirm a miscarriage but thank you for the sensitivity. Some people have no clue how we are feeling.

Try to keep busy, take each day as it comes and don't have any great expectations from yourself.

Thank you. They don't really say much to you on the phone. That was all she literally told me. I feel Like I'm going crazy!

If she had said what you just said then it would have reasured me a bit.

Thanks again xx

I know, my MW wasn't the sharpest either - so blunt "it's either a MC or early pregnancy" is what I got. I wasn't expecting my pregnancy so that was ok for me to digest however a lot of ladies going there are! Sensitivity is very important in these situations.

If you have any severe pain to a particular side then I would get myself straight to A&E. I think the fact you have had no sided pain means your tube is probably fine - you'd know all about it if it was an ectopic.

If you go to A&E in agony and explain the situation, they should have no problem giving you a trans vaginal scan and look at the "life canals" as my MW called it :lol:

I was told by another EPU member when I phoned for an appointment "just because your not in the catchment to be seen here, doesn't mean you can't have your baby here" I replied I am actually coming in to confirm a miscarriage but thank you for the sensitivity. Some people have no clue how we are feeling.

Try to keep busy, take each day as it comes and don't have any great expectations from yourself.

They really are terrible aren't they! I just phoned up anyway and said I wasn't happy waiting a week. So I'm having more bloods done tomorrow.

I know this doesn't suit everyone but I would prefer to know everything's going the right/wrong way and I am actually having a miscarriage.

The lady who I spoke to this time was better. She explained what you did above and actually calmed me down rather then making me nervous. She said I can have blood tests every other day if I wish. So I will decide what to do.

Even if this is a negative situation I now have a positive solution for me anyway, I literally can't stand waiting. I'm positive I've turned stir crazy this week! Loads of ups and downs lol

Thanks again :) xxx

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