After coming off the pill


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2010
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To those that started TTC after coming of the pill, did you start counting your first CD from the first day of your withdrawel bleed or day you stopped the pill?

I'm guessing it would be from withdrawel bleed which is what I done but to my shock AF turn't up today (still only heavy spotting when wiping, a little TMI) but the cramps are here so I certainly think by later or tomorrow she will be in full flow which puts my cycle at 21 days a lot shorter than I was expecting and I totally miss calculated when I thought I'd ovulate :wall2:

Were you cycles regular straight away or were some short and some longer for a while?
Was anyone one Loestrin 20?
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Hi Tinkerbell
My withdrawal bleed happened the day i stopped taking the pill so i cant really help you with that but i know that it can take a while for the pill to fully come out of your system. Did you use opks this cycle? x x

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Hi Tinkerbell,

Did you come off the pill mid cycle? I would just count from your next period, which should be a true one.

Hi Tinkerbell
My withdrawal bleed happened the day i stopped taking the pill so i cant really help you with that but i know that it can take a while for the pill to fully come out of your system. Did you use opks this cycle? x x

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My excuse of a withdrawel bleed if you can even count it as it was very light and only lasted about 8 hours for 2 days came 5 days after my last pill.

I used a few cheapies I got from Ebay but not everyday and I never got a line as dark as the control line.
I did one around the 13th - nothing
around the 15th - faint line but not straight away
24th Dec - darkest line yet but still not as dark as control line
27th Dec - faint line
30th Dec - nothing

So they seem very confussing and difficult to use :whistle:
Hi Tinkerbell,

Did you come off the pill mid cycle? I would just count from your next period, which should be a true one.


I had 2 left when I came off it, though had taken a few packets back 2 back.

So count as from today as CD1? I'm so clueless as to when I may ovulate now, i don't want to miss out.
Guess we will just have to :bd: everyday to make sure we don't ;)
i came off the pill in september and had my withdrawal bleed end of september...then 26 days later i had another period, so i counted this as cd1 and my first proper day of ttc.....i then ovultated cd12 and my cycle in october to november was 27 days long.

I have just started af today and my cycle from november to december was 28 days long...ov'd cd 12 again!

so it went 26, 27 then 28 days! ha next month will either be 29 or thats me sorted out now...

But i'm only classing this as 3rd true period since coming off the pill, if that makes sense?

After coming off the pill, it can take a little while for your cycles to even themselves out. I think it's normal for them to be erratic for a couple of months but they will fix themselves x
I was on Cerazette and my cycles since July have been 29, 31, 45 days! Bit crazy but they'll behave soon FX
So I shouldn't be worried that there could be something wrong with me if I've had 2 periods (one was withdrawal bleed) in a matter of 26 days, and one starting only 21 days after the first?
Thanks ladies, so glad I found this forum :)
Sounds like your second bleed was your actual AF. First was withdrawal I'm thinking which isn't a real AF just a response to the hormones leaving your body. Sounds like you're perfectly fine and normal. But do see a GP if you're worried or call nhs direct cos they'll know for sure xxx
Tink im the same as you, came off the pill a week thursday back and bled for one day (bout 18 hours) and nothing since. Im counting it as CD1 but the next one will be a true calculation, get :bd: im gonna do OPKs CD14 for 7 days just for a see but not going to take too much info for them, more of a trial run. xx

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