After 2 years trying I lost our miracle baby. :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
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Horrifically physically traumatic miscarriage, after two visits to the hospital saying that something was wrong, I was rushed to hospital in an ambulance, lost the baby, then passed out from dehydration and blood loss.

I've just been released to go home after two days in hospital. First time I have EVER been in hospital over night (I was born at home).

We were trying for 2 years and told we might not be able to have children because my husbands count is so low. It was our miracle baby. We knew about him for less than two weeks before he was gone again.
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. We lost our first one in a traumatic way as well. Take some time for yourself and DH to grieve and try to take care of yourself during this difficult time as well.
I'm so sorry LuLu, i found out today at a scan that we have lost our little miracle also. We had been trying for just short of two years. It's utterly heartbreaking and I've yet to have the miscarriage x
I am sorry for your loss! It is the worst thing to have to go through and long term trying to concieve is also heartbreaking. You have to focus on you and getting yourself back. You have managed to get pregnant so focus on that. Xxxc
I'm so sorry LuLu, i found out today at a scan that we have lost our little miracle also. We had been trying for just short of two years. It's utterly heartbreaking and I've yet to have the miscarriage x

I'm really sorry for your loss too, Lynne. I know it doesn't make anything better really, but I hope the physical side of things goes more smoothly for you. Have they given you pain medication? *hugs*

I've been signed off work for a week, but I don't really want to take the time off. Being home on my own for days seems like the worst way to become depressed. Any suggestions?

Oh, we named him/her Sam (Sammy). It seemed wrong to keep saying "it".
So sorry you lost your miracle, so tough for you when its taken so much time. Like Laura says though, its positive that you've known Sammy, even for a short time.

I always went back to work super quick after all my 4 mc, but after rushing back into FT after my first, I learned and only went back restricted hours after the others. Its a good compromise.
I went back to work on the Mon after my mc on the Fri. Just couldnt stay at home. It made me worse. My work kept my mind of it. Its personal though see how you feel. You dont have to take the full week I wouldnt have thought!
Lulu, it's lovely that you have given a name to Sam. I was thinking of doing the same because your right. Our little one was with us for such a short time but still, bump was a little one and deserves a name.

I've not had any pain at all, no bleeding and hence no pain relief - I'm booked in for a D&C (think it's ERPC in America) tomorrow. I'm physically sick worrying about it :-( x
Lulu, I'm so sorry about the loss of baby Sam.
I have had 2 miscarriages (one needing d and c) and it's bloody awful!
Be kind to yourself. :hug: x
Lulu, it's lovely that you have given a name to Sam. I was thinking of doing the same because your right. Our little one was with us for such a short time but still, bump was a little one and deserves a name.

I've not had any pain at all, no bleeding and hence no pain relief - I'm booked in for a D&C (think it's ERPC in America) tomorrow. I'm physically sick worrying about it :-( x

I hope it went ok. Have you chosen a name now?
Thank you all for your support. I haven't gone back to work yet. I'm a primary teacher and I can't face running after the kiddies all day when I have so little energy. The school have been really supportive. I might try for a half day on Thursday. I'm only due to have classes in the morning that day anyway, so it's not so bad.
Hi, I'm really sorry to read about your loss it is such a heartbreaking thing to go through. I could have written your post myself last week as we also lost our first after nearly two years ttc. It is good to hear that your school have been supportive of you, I hope Thursday goes ok for you. I've got yet another blood test tomorrow finger crossed my levels are back to 0 this time. My bleeding has finally slowed down today too so hopefully we are over the worst now. My husband is taking it really badly, I don't know what I can do to make him feel better. How has your partner been?
Hi snowbee. I'm really sorry to hear that you've been through this too. I'm a bit nervous about going back to work. I'm a terrible liar and the kids will ask questions. It's interesting that you are having another blood test. I was told to do a pregnancy test to check my hormone levels have gone back down.

My husband has been really supportive. He is trying so hard to be positive, and keep me going. I think it is really hard on him, but he doesn't like to show it. He's not macho or unwilling to talk about feelings or anything like that. He just doesn't really get upset in front of people.
Hi Lulu, I'm really sorry you lost your much wanted little baby bean. We've been TTC since July 2012 and have had two MMC's, it's so devastating when it happens and seems so very unfair. Though I have found that time is a great healer, hopefully you well get pregnant again very soon and all will be ok xx
I'm sorry for your tragic loss :( it took me 2 years to get get D, then another 19 months for the LO I recently lost.

I hope today well as well as it could.

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