Bless you..
Congratulations for one & now take a deeeeeep breath!!
Go onto google & type in "estimated due date" you can then find out when your baby will be due & then get chatting to the ladies in the same month thread on here you are due.
Next thing would be to go to boots & buy some folic acid, vitamin D or Pregnacare if you aren't already on something.
Monday morning give your GP a call & book an appointment - they will take your weight, blood pressure & ask you some questions; this is usually fairly quick. They will then send your details over to the Midwife team who will be in contact with you via letters. One letter will give you a booking in date to discuss both of your medical history, blood tests, urine tests, blood pressure, weight & give you your books & folders. Another letter will be your 12-14 week Nuchal scan; this is also a combined blood test (if you want that) to find out if your baby has Down syndrome.
After that you will have to arrange your next midwife appointments & a letter for 20week scan will be sent to you. It explains everything in the book you are given by your midwife at your booking in appointment
I hope that wasn't too much information but wanted to give you all I know!!
Take it one day as a time & try not to overthink everything!!