After 13 months of trying...I'm pregnant...Now what??


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2014
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After one of the most heartbreaking years of our lives. I found out this morning that we are finally pregnant! We've both been in tears most of the morning...Hubby has had to go to work and I'm sat at home with loads to do but I don't know where to start lol.

I've no idea what I'm doing or what I should/shouldn't be doing at this point.
Bless you..

Congratulations for one & now take a deeeeeep breath!!

Go onto google & type in "estimated due date" you can then find out when your baby will be due & then get chatting to the ladies in the same month thread on here you are due.

Next thing would be to go to boots & buy some folic acid, vitamin D or Pregnacare if you aren't already on something.

Monday morning give your GP a call & book an appointment - they will take your weight, blood pressure & ask you some questions; this is usually fairly quick. They will then send your details over to the Midwife team who will be in contact with you via letters. One letter will give you a booking in date to discuss both of your medical history, blood tests, urine tests, blood pressure, weight & give you your books & folders. Another letter will be your 12-14 week Nuchal scan; this is also a combined blood test (if you want that) to find out if your baby has Down syndrome.

After that you will have to arrange your next midwife appointments & a letter for 20week scan will be sent to you. It explains everything in the book you are given by your midwife at your booking in appointment :)

I hope that wasn't too much information but wanted to give you all I know!!

Take it one day as a time & try not to overthink everything!!

Thank you hun, that helps a lot. After I did the test I called hubby in tears, he broke down in tears on the phone, came home from work for 20 minutes then had to go again so I'm here on my own...Loads of stuff to do but I feel completely overwhelmed at the minute.

I will do as you have suggested (think I have those vitamins etc around the house and will definately call the doctors on Monday.

Thank you........
Aw congratulations. We were trying for 3 years before I fell pregnant so I know how thrilled you must be! A couple of things to start doing -

Get ur pregnancy vitamins in - make sure you are getting folic acid (I've been on pregnancare since I found out)
Try and work out ur due date. 40 weeks from your last period, although this isn't fill proof I didn't ovulate till cd26!

Contact your doctor. At my practice they give u a midwife number to phone and they sort out ur booking appt date with midwife and ur 12 week scan appt! All a bit overwhelming when uv just found out!

Other than that?? Enjoy!!! This is the most exciting time of ur whole life - I'm still pinching myself every morning that I am
Not alone!! Xxxxx
Oops just noticed the wishing has given u practically same advise - great minds! Xx

Hope ur keeping well wishing!! Xx
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Massive congratulations! Bet your husband won't be able to concentrate at work!
And tell someone who isn't your husband. Someone you're close too like your mum etc... It makes it feel real ;)
Thanks everyone. I bought some Pregnacare yesterday along with caffine free tea.

I've told a few people simply because it's my birthday next weekend and we're having a BBQ/party. A lot of the people will be wondering why I'm not drunk, having all my meat well done and not smoking lol.
Just wanted to say congratulations on ur wonderful news and what a lovely early birthday present for you x
Aww thank you very much. I'm sure the bean will enjoy the food!

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