AF type pains


Active Member
Mar 23, 2007
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Hi everyone :wave:

I know to have slight cramps is normal but i've had sharp crampy pains really low on the right side of my belly. I've got a GP appointment tomorrow so i'm still not sure of my dates.

I know i'm probably worrying too much but it's really painfull! surely this can't be normal?
Hi there,

I had sharp pains on the right side in the first few weeks. I was worried sick and thought all sorts, even thought I had appendicitis. I mentioned this to my doctor who said that It was nothing to worry about as long as there is no bleeding or extreme pain.

I suppose it's just because your body is going through a lot of changes very quickly. I still get slight pains but they are not sharp anymore. A lot of 1st tri girls are mentioning it right now, but if you are worried contact a GP or EPU as soon as you can. They are very supportive and will put you mind at rest. xxx
Thank you so much. I thought no one wnated to answer cos it's a stoopid question :oops:

It's great that you know what I mean I suppose all sorts are going through my mind now - but if i'm honest I was mostly scared that it could be ectopic.

I know i've got a funky imagination! :lol:
lol Wnnabe not only are you imaginative, you are just a good writer and made it sound really dramatic :)
hugs hun :hug: :hug:

Some women get strong pains it may be the ligaments growing and stretching causing it but just keep an eye on it and mention to doc they are great at giving reasurrance.

Hope your ok :hug: :hug:
Thanks Girls, I really appreciate it!

KatyK - I'm sorry if I sounded "Dramatic" I was only trying to describe how I feel.

I'm at the docs this evening so maybe he can tell me if it's anything to worry about.
Sorry Wnnabe I didn't mean anything nasty by that- here's hoping your doctor puts your mind at rest a bit :) :hug:

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