AF type cramps


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2010
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I'm just worrying a little that I've got mild AF cramps plus twinges, pokes and stitches. Is all ok in there?? Im also very bloated with a proper pot belly on me and my jeans since last night have been worn with the top button undone. Already!! Surely too early for all this? I reckon I'm a bit constipated too :blush: Havent been in a few days. Also feel like one big fart would fix it all lol!! Samsgirl youll be with me there ;)
I also feel a bit constipated in the mornings. Like I've drunk loads of fizzy drinks and one big fart would sort me out, sadly it never happens. I wonder wether giving up smoking is contributing to this?
As for the cramps I have them all the time, I think it's pretty normal.
So pleased you've joined us here :)
hello my pumpy love! he he

oh the cramps are completely will get them until the day your period is due probably, i did and then they eased off...

i still get the odd very, very mild one but you will feel like your period is about to start for another week or so...but panic not my lovely....

have you worked out what your due date would be yet?

Hi again Sunny, yup the cramps are normal, I also find I am getting them after BDing due to..... you know..... the O.
In fact the cramps are so normal I am wondering why I haven't felt any today! Never satisfied us lot!?
we just BD and i panic all the way through....ha ha...

it is safe though isn't it?? xx
Yeah it is, they tell you not to if you have experienced bleeding, think they tell you to leave it til 12 or 13 weeks then. I think it just makes your uterus contract. Used to get really bad braxtons when Bding in Tri 3 with my other two. Bump would go rock solid!!! x
yeah, have had no bleeding whatsoever...not even any should be okay xx
Thanks ladies you really reassured me :hugs:
Bit scary all this isn't it lol!!!
Need to start my knitting. My brain cell will be fully occupied then.
Pmsl samsgirl my pumpy love!! Love that lol!! My fartner in crime ;)
ha ha fartner in crime...

i just had another episode of 'oh my god whats that pain..ow...ow..ow......TRUMP!!!!!......ah thats what it was'


Hi sweetie,
Those cramps & twinges are all v. normal, it's just the bean nestling in and getting comfy :)
don't know if you'll get the same, but mine felt like a tugging pulling sensation say when i stood up too quickly, it's stopped now.

perfectly normal, baby is just getting comfy for a long stay!
Samsgirl I totally forgot to answer your Q about the due date! Sorry hun! It is October 12th awww.

Thanks ever so much everyone - I felt really reassured :)
Just waiting until tomorrow when AF would've been due and then I will feel a bit better. And put my tickers on :yay:

we really are gonna be bump buddies.....xx
don't know if you'll get the same, but mine felt like a tugging pulling sensation say when i stood up too quickly, it's stopped now.

perfectly normal, baby is just getting comfy for a long stay!

EmmBee was it like a muscle that had been pulled too tight? x

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