AF type cramps Normal???


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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hi ladies,

i'm new to all this, got my first faint bfp last thursday. took another saturday with FMU which was a lot darker and took digi that afternoon, so there is no doubt in my mind that i'm pregnant.

i should be due AF tomorrow (got a very early bfp :dance:)

but whats worring me is i'm getting AF type cramps on and off today. they are quite mild. also a "wet feeling" (sorry tmi :blush:) but it just seems to be a lot of CM.

can't see the doc till wednesday over bank holiday and i'm working tomorrow...i know its very early but did any of you experience this???

i'm just worried! :help:
yep i did...i also had an early bfp, a week before af due.....and i got af type cramps and wetness for the few days leading up to when af should have arrived and a few days after...

so its all normal :D

I've had a few mild AF cramps and a lot of wet feeling down there (sorry tmi!) from what I've heard it's all normal. I got my first BFP at 10dpo so I was really panicking! I did another cheapie today and it's very positive so I think it's very normal what your experiencing x x x
I have had mild cramping sensations throughout, I think it's everything stretching already x
yup....your womb starts to prepare and move as soon as it knows you are pregnant :) all very exciting xx
aww :thanks: ladies. don't know where i'd be without ye!

i really don't! :cry:

yes i am actually crying..everything is setting me off!! :rofl:

its a great relief to know these things...feel like i was thrown in at the deep end and its quite scary!!:shock: :hugs: :hugs:

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