AF due today but..


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2006
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Hi ladies,

I've been reading this forum for over a year but rarely post, i'm due af today but no signs, I am getting really watery cm which i've read can be a sign and feeling sick in the eves but no sore boobs, are sore boobs a definite sign?
I'm in hospital at the mo and they're giving me morphine,should i ask to stop it at risk of hurting baby if i am preg?
Thanks in advance xxxx
Hi hannah, it's not always a sign, maybe you could ask them to do a test just to make sure as you are TTC. I hope you feel better and can go home soon. :hug: :hug: :hug:
i've now got ewcm, i don't know whether to ask for a test as if its - i'll look abit foolish...
hi chick,

im experiencing exactly same as you,... watery cm, bit sickie around tea time, boobs tender but not that sore!
i was due to test today but it was a no.... but testing again tomoz!
if AF hasnt arrived by then..

Hope yoru ok... (with you saying your in hospital!)

take care...
ohhh sorry, almost forgot to answer your Q.... :lol:
yeh id ask if its praying on your mind...... better safe than sorry!!!
don't worry about looking foolish. It's like Zobo said better safe than sorry. Get well soon! :hug: :hug:

I would definitely ask for them to test as you don't know if the morphine will do baby harm and if you are pregnant then you'l never forgive yourself if the morphine damages baby in anyway. You won't look stupid at all, you'll look responsible and if you're not then no harm done hun.

I hope you feel better soon.


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