AF cramps b4 BFP


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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On the month you got your BFP's did you feel like you were going to start you period as normal? i.e all the usual cramps etc

I usually spot for up to a week before AF (starting CD21), but this time I've not (I'm due AF on Monday).
But am feling crampy today like AF is about to start, also got the usual pre-af spots :roll:
It's just the lack of spotting which is different. Am I in with a chance?
Yep. I had bad AF pains before BFP and really bad backache too. Hope this is a sign for you!! Good luck xx :D
Yes I was so sure I was going to get my period as I had exactly the same cramps as usual! Lots of spots too - unfortunately they are still here :evil: :lol:

:pray: :pray: :pray: Good luck :pray: :pray: :pray:
Oh god, I really think I might be :shock:

Though deep down I think not just because we have been trying for so long I find it hard to imagine I will ever be again.
I got af cramps really early and thats something that never ever ever! happens, I also broke out in about 8 spots on my chin and that never happens either. I might get 1 around af time, but i got these really early on. Those were 2 couldnt ignore signs that something was up with my hormones.
btw i was so 100% sure by the end that i was going to come on that i bought ovulation sticks, a thermometer and a pack of pre seed to try this month with, thats how much it felt like my period was going to start.

I too had the usual pains before my period, in fact everything indicated that I was definately going to come on.
The only one difference I had was about a week before I was due on I also got muscular pains like as if I was doing 1000 sit ups every day, really strange!!!

Good luck and fingers crossed for you x
hey darling, I had and im still getting AF style cramps I had no other symptoms!! fingers crossed its a BFP for ya!! xxx
I had AF cramps untill i was about 8 weks pregnant. Kept runnin gto the loo to check AF had not arrived...

Fingers crossed for you xx

Dont worry yourself too much, just see how it goes. I got af type cramps alot and still have them now at 6 weeks pregnant.

Let us all know how you get along :hug:
Skairdy I had AF type cramps (bad enough to need paracetamol) until about 10 weeks!! I hope you pains continue :D

Jane x
Yes!! infact the month i got pregnant i thought it was all over, had back pain, period pain everything weird huh?

Oh and the p pains continue throughout ;) So nevr say nevr :)

I got really bad cramps, like i was going to come pn, infact still getting them now :hug:
I had them before i got my BFP and still have AF type cramps and lower backache on and off even now. Good luck skairdy :pray: :hug:
Oooo seems like the pains could mean either then lol.

I do remember when I was PG with my eldest getting AF cramps and actually went to the doc's because I was worried about it.

I'm trying not to get my hopes up because I really have no symptoms other than AF ones but hey ho I can't help it :cheer: :cheer:
I had AF cramps from the week before AF was due which was unusual for me, tested on the day AF was due and got my BFP. :cheer:

I had these cramps until I was about 9/10 weeks, good luck. :)

i'm having pain and cramps as well, not strong, but they are always there!!! got very worried yesterday and went to A&E to have it checked. The doctor said it is usually normal, but as he thought we were a "sensible couple" (scared as this is our first pregnancy) they sent me to the gynecologist. I'm having a scan tomorrow. I just wish everything ok.

See you!


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