af be here soon :(


Sep 4, 2008
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Thinking im out this month :( Was so hoping that it would be a bfp but ive had af pains on and off the past few days n had brown spotting which has now turned into bright red, not much atm so i think she's gonna be rearing her ugly head :( Admit i did actually cry myself to sleep last night, think more to the fact that i said to OH that i would have af tmrw (thinking it would have started by now) and he said why do i need to know? Guess he dosent understand how gutted i feel when its a bfn month :(
Still onto nxt month, according to brooke n cherie i should get my bfp so fingers crossed they can get it right :D

Sorry huni :hug: Men are so insensitive :roll: Good luck for next month, roll on the BFP :cheer:
I used to cry whenever I got AF (now I seem to cry when I DONT get her lol)

Hubby didn't get it as he couldn't see why I was getting so worked up!!

Talk to us instead hon. we get it

Well she hasnt actually arrived yet, day 31 of a 30-35 day cycle, part of me wants her to come coz then it gets it over with and my obsessive brain can stop thinking that how in a week if she hasnt arrived i can do a preg test :roll: likely to not happen, thou spotting has stopped......mmm starting again with the obsessing :wall:

Well weekend away from work (dont happen that often) so im gonna catch up wiv some m8s spend some quality time with my oh and try and put baby making out of my head, maybe if i stop thinking about it, it might start thinking about me.

Any news hun? I'm hoping you've had reason to test! :hug:

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