:'( advice wanted (v.long sorry)

oh poor you :hug: . imo i think he is being a tw@t! and i think you are right he is just appologising coz he's realised he won't be getting it anymore :shakehead: . I also think (not to upset you!!) that you should get rid of him :talkhand: , he shouldn't be treating you this way. But this is only my opinion and i hope i didn't upset you :hug:
no, i welcome anyones opinions hun :D I know what u mean but i think to waste what we have on something like that is daft, i think i will just to keep an eye on it and see if it keeps happening, then re asses the situation :wink: (love my posh phrases hehe)
Well, some of your post was a bit "cryptic", so I'm not sure if I followed it well :D I just think that you've both said too much, have hurt each other's feelings/pride a bit and that you're both now left feeling a bit insecure.

I have always said to the guys I know that if a woman ever says you're not big enough, or that you're too small, tell her that she is in fact "too big". I was letting guys know - what we women know already - that we worry about our size as much as they worry about theirs.

Is he too small or are you too big? It's the same question when you're a couple!!! And should never come up :shock: But now it has, and you've both been "bitten". Now you're both feeling insecure.

I'd say let things cool off for a few days in the bedroom dept. and use the time to let your oh know about his good points and why you love him in general. Hopefully, he'll respond by returning compliments to you. Aso away from the bedroom, tell him that the biggest erogeonous zone is the brain and that he turns you on more than anyone.

Back in the bedroom, try to remeber what things were like when you were first together, make appreciative noises/comments and tell him how fantastic he was (though try and keep it realistic :D ). It's about boosting him up again so that he never feels the need to have a go at you in retaliation again.

hope you work it out.

P.S. and instead of the lame excuse that the other guy was "too big" - if you had mentioned it at all (and you shouldn't have!), you should have said that he was useless in bed because he didn't know how to use it...
WendyWandy said:
Well, some of your post was a bit "cryptic", so I'm not sure if I followed it well :D I just think that you've both said too much, have hurt each other's feelings/pride a bit and that you're both now left feeling a bit insecure.

I have always said to the guys I know that if a woman ever says you're not big enough, or that you're too small, tell her that she is in fact "too big". I was letting guys know - what we women know already - that we worry about our size as much as they worry about theirs.

Is he too small or are you too big? It's the same question when you're a couple!!! And should never come up :shock: But now it has, and you've both been "bitten". Now you're both feeling insecure.

I'd say let things cool off for a few days in the bedroom dept. and use the time to let your oh know about his good points and why you love him in general. Hopefully, he'll respond by returning compliments to you. Aso away from the bedroom, tell him that the biggest erogeonous zone is the brain and that he turns you on more than anyone.

Back in the bedroom, try to remeber what things were like when you were first together, make appreciative noises/comments and tell him how fantastic he was (though try and keep it realistic :D ). It's about boosting him up again so that he never feels the need to have a go at you in retaliation again.

hope you work it out.

P.S. and instead of the lame excuse that the other guy was "too big" - if you had mentioned it at all (and you shouldn't have!), you should have said that he was useless in bed because he didn't know how to use it...

I didnt mention it, he brought it up and im not prepared to lie and i did say he was useless, thanks for the advice though :lol: :cheer:
i think i'v read this right, do u mean u told him ur ex had a bigger willy and since then he's said u feel loose?

if thats it then its obvious he felt insecure about his size and (perhaps sub-consciously) was 'getting back at u' by insulting u.

it was out of order if he cant take the truth he shouldnt hav asked u!

yea sorry my post is a bit vague, didnt want to be to full on incase i offend anyone lol :cheer: :cheer: hehe
Hey Girl :wave:

I think if I understood your "clues" that your guy is actually feeling very insecure. From trying to understand my OH I would say that your honesty made him feel infearior (sp?) no matter what you said to him after you answered he would have heard "he was bigger than you, better than you and that what I wish you were like"

Once a guy feels like this they seem to think the best line of defense is attack! This is usually an attempt to make you feel worse then them, and in this case it worked.

If I was you I would either try to talk to him and let him know exactly how he has made you feel regardless of whether he meant it or not.

Although he was definately wrong for saying what he said he probably really didn't mean it.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Seems like a case of hurt male pride to me. I agree with what someone else said he was verbally striking out at you coz he was "hurt" :roll:

I don't know why people ask questions if they can't handle the answers. :talkhand:

Just play it cool for a few days, be affectionate but not OTT, let the dust settle on his sensitivities.


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