When should I start introducing baby rice or rusks to Miss Evie?
She doesn't seem satisfied anymore, she's rarely content inbetween feeds and is feeding 7oz every 3 hours or 8oz every 4. She used to sleep from about 8pm-8am but is now feeding at 11pm and then 7am. She wants topping up between feeds too and is piling on weight! The HVs aren't too concerned, but she's jumped way above the line on the weight graph, whereas before, she was just below it (because she was only 6lb 13oz at birth).
I'm in no rush to introduce rice/rusks etc - but I'm going through formula like there's no tomorrow! In fact, it would be better for me (selfishly) if she stays on just milk because it's more faffing around and more money to spend!
Should I start to introduce rice or just leave her as she is? When should I introduce rice? I know 4/6 months is the guideline, but Miss Evie seems to be under the impression that she is older lol. (She'll be 12 weeks on Saturday).
I'd appreciate advice
She doesn't seem satisfied anymore, she's rarely content inbetween feeds and is feeding 7oz every 3 hours or 8oz every 4. She used to sleep from about 8pm-8am but is now feeding at 11pm and then 7am. She wants topping up between feeds too and is piling on weight! The HVs aren't too concerned, but she's jumped way above the line on the weight graph, whereas before, she was just below it (because she was only 6lb 13oz at birth).
I'm in no rush to introduce rice/rusks etc - but I'm going through formula like there's no tomorrow! In fact, it would be better for me (selfishly) if she stays on just milk because it's more faffing around and more money to spend!
Should I start to introduce rice or just leave her as she is? When should I introduce rice? I know 4/6 months is the guideline, but Miss Evie seems to be under the impression that she is older lol. (She'll be 12 weeks on Saturday).
I'd appreciate advice