Advice please


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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Ok so my baby is really good with going down to sleep after bath bottle bed, she then wakes around midnight for a feed an change then goes back to sleep no probs. she wakes again between 3-4 feeds/ changed but then takes ages to settle, seems ok in Arms but when put down starts stretching and making the weird loud noises she makes. Sometimes she can be awake for 2 hours, we wind and use 'colief' through day. Is it just a pattern she is in?
My baby is really difficult to settle in the night too, have you tried swaddling?

Do you keep room dark? Not talk to LO?

It's very frustrating, you have my sympathies x
Ps, I think gripe water helped us with the grunting a bit, you can use it from one month
Def try some gripe water x

Mum of Owen. Born 11/7/11 @ 19.17pm weighing 7lb 12 oz :)
i wouldnt change her nappy unless she has poo'd. cos this wakes them up too much...

our little one used to make weird grunty noises after feeds in the night for a good 2 hours too. i'm pleased to say that they do stop that cos she no longer does it as much...maybe only for about 5 mins til she settles...
If you swap to infacol you can use it every feed. Does colief have a limited number of times you can use it in 24 hours?

As Tor said if you aren't swaddling get some of the velcro blankets and try it, it's worked wonders for Bertie xxxxxxxxx
She doesnt like being swaddled as she sleeps with her arms up, can use coilef all the time and works loads better than infacol as its an enzyme that breaks down the lactose.
We don't have room dark she has night lights on that change colour. It might be a phase? Can't really complain as she's so
Good rest of the time, just wondered if anything would help her settle
Thanks guys
Its probably just a phase, if you can handle being up at that time i would just bear with it, plenty of mommy cuddles and putting back once settled and she will soon start to realise night time is bedtime, u could always turn the night light off as this might be stimulating her after she has had her good sleep, Issac is always a light sleep from 4am onwards.

Make up on your sleep when she sleeps through the day xx

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