Advice please...


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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Hi ladies

Well the only friend who knows we are TTC (who started trying at the same time as us - December) has just emailed to tell me she is pregnant.

Of course I am very happy for her but it is just another blow isn't it? She wasnt even ovulating and had 2 sessions of acupunture, one positive opk and 10 days later BFP.

I have regular cycles, I ovulate every time, my bloods are fine and OH semen sample is fine too - results below:

Volume (ml)

Density (million/ml)
Motility (%)
Progression (1=poor, 4=good)
Abnormals (%)
Antisperm Antibodies (MAR)
Positive 14%

The only thing that they said was antisperm antibodies should be negative and they are positive 14% (he did another sample and they were only 11%) but the doctor said that because everything else was so good, that would not be a problem.

Does anyone have any ideas? What could it be?

He mentioned I had an inverted uterus - could that be a problem?

I am clutching at straws but how can we both be ok and still not have a single, solitary BFP? :wall2:

Thank you xx
Hi Hun,

Antisperm antibodies weren't checked on my Hubby's so I don't have any experience sorry.

My Mum has the intreverted uterus and I'm here so don't worry about that.

What other tests have you had done so far?

Hi Maybe

I had AMH (ovarian reserve) blood tests (day 3) and they checked the lining of my uterus day 3 and post ovulation. So they know I have plently of eggs (i am 35 this month) and that I ovulate and that the lining of my womb is fine. I have also had my tubes checked a few years ago (TTC with ex husband).

So we are in the clear but it just makes it worse because that means it SHOULD happen is it isn't....

I appreciate your advice - you seem to know everything :) I think I do but I am obviously missing something... I've never had a hint of a BFP and I just wish I had something to work with...

Good luck for Friday xx
Hi Emily ,

I was just looking through your semen analysis results and all looked really well until i saw th % of abnormals, i'm not an expert and this is just my opinion based on personal research but 89% seems quite high , maybe any of the other more experienced ladies can correct me if i'm wrong??

Morphology analysis is the study of the size, shape, and appearance of the sperm cells. The analysis evaluates the structure of 200 sperm, and any defects are noted. The more abnormal sperm that are present, the lower the likelihood of fertility. Abnormal forms may include defective heads, middles, tails, and immature forms.

If i was you i'd call my doc and ask about this part of the result?

Just an idea

I do hope you get your bfp soon as x x x
Hi Kirsty - yes we did asked and they confirmed this was ok especially as the rest of the results and volume was good - they gave us a World Health Organisation (WHO) comparison which basically sets the standards for semen analysis and the abnormals have to be lower than 95% so 89% is absolutely fine to....

Thanks for your response and hope all is well with you
Hiya Emily :)

Actually i would have said the same as Kirsty re the abnormals.

I was told that it was upto 85% abnormals that was ok, not 95%.

Typically sperm progression is split into four categories - normal, slow, non-progressive and non-motile - and you need >50% to be normal/slow.

I can't help but feel that 2-3 translates as the majority being slow/non-progressive - you'd hope for a score of 2 at least.

You want to know what the hold up is, i'd put my money on the amount of abnormals plus that ominous 2-3 in the progression.

Don't forget that just because your doctor will have you believe that you can get pregnant naturally, doesn't mean that he expects it to happen anytime soon. The people that get pregnant the fastest are the people with the best sperm.

How long have you been ttc for? :)
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Hi Girls,

I had the same worrys about Hubbys abnormal as his was about 80%.

Although our GP said it was good the amount made me wonder and I showed it to the specialist last week and he said anything under 95% is fine for that part of the analysis.

I'd say out of poor, good, very good and excellent you'd probably fall in to the good category overall.

Girls here have had BFPs with much lower counts.

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Hi Louise and Maybe

Thanks for your replies...

Louise the progression is the other way around so 1 is worst and 4 is best. He has actually had a second analysis and they are now at 3 so I think this is all good.

They didnt seem concerned by abnormals because the volume, motility and progression were all above WHO parameters and the second sample came back saying they are 90% not 95% so a better result the second time around.

Oh well, guess I just have to wait.

Thanks again for reading xx
PS This is cycle 9 (BFN) just waiting now but I'm 35 and want to get a wriggle on!
Hi! Sorry if I'm asking a personal question now, but do you have a lot of ewcm? Because I have never had a lot of this, and the month I got my bfp, I had a lot. Maybe you could try pre seed or something? We got pregnant after 15 months of ttc and my oh has very low amount of sperm cells in his sperm (2 million pr ml, should be at least 20 million I think), so I think it should be possible for you too!

Wish you all the best and hope you get your bfp soon!

Hi esperanza!

Firstly - congrats!

Well its funny you should mention that because I remember I used to get loads before I was TTC but I don't seem to get much now. We did try conceive plus last month which I think is the same as preseed and I will try again next month.

Thank you!

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