advice please


New Member
Jan 26, 2009
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was wondering if somweone can help me here ive not had a period since beginning december i did a preg test on fri was negative i than did first morni test sat was positive i think was very faint line one dark one faint so one my friends said do another be sure so did one this afternoon with digital one n says not pregnant i think am i preg or not i feel sick all time
How long is your cycle serina? That sounds like it's just quite early - usually if it's not long since your missed period you're supposed to do it with the first wee of the day as otherwise hormone levels can be too diluted. If your last period was beginning of December, that does seem a bit late, unless you've got a long cycle, but still... if there's two lines you should def be pregnant, just early, so try doing another one first thing in the morning and see if it comes up the same.
my last period was 15 dec i done 3 tests now first neg 2nd one was faint line n 3rd was neg im hmm
So were you due on the 15th or a bit later? Give it a day or two and then test again with morning wee and see what it says then. It is quite unusual to get a false positive though I think so possibly congrats may be in order... let us know how you get on!
Very when it comes to positives but none of them are reliable in terms of negatives if done too early.
do a clearblue digi with first wee of the day. x
I second Trixi. CB digi will take away all the 'is it a line or my imagination' drama and first wee of the day ensures you haver built up as much hormone as you can to show on a test.

good luck!

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