advice please what do u think!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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my boyf and i wanna go out the week b4 crimbo. i mean a proper nite out, clubbing til 4am or something and bringing friends back. my parents are more than happy to babysit for us (millie at their house of course as we'll all be coming home noisey etc)

just wondering if millie will be ok with the change to her routine which she's had since 3 months old- bath, (breast)milk, bed.

my parents will do the routine as best they can but there are 3 main differences:

different house (although same cot coz its the travel cot and will fold up)

no bath despite having 3 bathrooms, my parents dont have a bath coz they prefer showers and space! we could take a baby bath for her but she's too big for it really. or she could hav bath in one of the 7 sinks but she might be too big for all of them too!

no breasts! obviously it'll be bottles and formula. i kno she'll take it, but i'm less confident about giving it to her at nite than i am during the day, because i think with BF at nite half of it (or maybe most of it) is more of a comfort thing than about filling her tummy, u kno?

what do u think, is it too much upheaval for her? or will she be fine?

i think ill do a "trial run" and leave her with my parents one nite when im at home and sober on stand-by, do u think thats a good idea?
she'll be fine, go and have fun. Dont phone yr Mum, and try not to worry. Yr Mum did Ok with you, you survived and so will Millie. :rotfl:

Enjoy yourselves!

:dance: :dance: :hug: :hug: Lisa
I wouldnt worry about her not having a bath jus that night, a top and tail would be fine, you'll never know until you try and I bet your parents are really looking forward to it.

go out and as the others say enjoy yourselves
I'm absolutely sure she'll be fine, but a trial run sounds like a good idea so you can relax and have fun when it comes to your night out.
Have a great time! :D
This is what im worried about too! Im going clubbin at sankeys in manchester this sat n iv not been away from lola since she was 8weeks old! She doesn know my friend who's babysitting.and lola cries at first when she holds her.she calms down after a while but is still wary of it mean to leave her do u think? And plus i only started with a routine last night. Will it mess it all up?i defo need a night out though so thats not gonna change!just wana prepare myself :) x
i say go & let you're hair down for one night hun, you've been a brilliant mummy & you deserve one night off :dance: :dance: :dance:
She will be fine and a she knows your parents will settle for them, plus mums are genius as well.
amylou86 said:
This is what im worried about too! Im going clubbin at sankeys in manchester this sat n iv not been away from lola since she was 8weeks old! She doesn know my friend who's babysitting.and lola cries at first when she holds her.she calms down after a while but is still wary of it mean to leave her do u think? And plus i only started with a routine last night. Will it mess it all up?i defo need a night out though so thats not gonna change!just wana prepare myself :) x
woo sankeys! iv not been there for a while! who's on? hope u hav fun!
she will be fine, spoilt rotten no doubt and it will do you the world of good, go for it and have a lovely time x

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