advice please- specs wearers?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i used to need specs years ago (i was practically blind in one eye- beyond my own boobs was a blur- and im no katie price lol!) but i lad laser surgery in my bad eye in 2003 and altho the other eye needs specs too- its a weaker prescription so with that and the other eye fixed i no longer needed any.

but this year my sight has deteriorated a tiny bit- just putting me below borderline for driving- so iv got specs again just for driving. (i must stop forgetting to take them tho i keep realising after iv been out in the car that iv been driving illegally- technically!)

when i put them on- i can see more clearly but for some bizarre reason i cant focus my eyes together- it feels like one lense is stuck to my face and the other is about 10cms away :? and i feel a bit dizzy coz its like my left and right side are out of balance :think:

is this normal when u first get glasses and ur not used to wearing any? or is there something wrong with them do i need to sort out? iv been tryna wear them today to get used to them but i hav to take them off to do anything so its pointless (impossible to type on here with them on all the text kinda moves it wont stay still so i cant read it!)

i dont kno if wearing them might do me more harm than good- its very strange!
Ive had to get specs for reading, computer and telly, so general use and i found when i fist had them they made me very motion sick, im used to them now but my eyes are getting a bit dependent, couldnt stop checking to see if i had them on in bed as it felt like i was wearing them, If ur concerned hun go back to were you got them and explain, could be that you just need to get Used To them though :hug:
Are the lenses thinned?
Its usual for them to feel a bit weird if you've gone for the thinning option.

Otherwise take them back to the shop to get checked.
no they not thinned, they were thin enough anyway due to the fairly weak prescription. maybe ill go back with them then :(
This sounds pretty normal. I've worn glasses for 22 years and when I get a new pair of glasses with a slightly stronger prescription I find it usually takes a few days full time wear to get used to them. I would give it a week and if you still have trouble take them back.
I have the same happen when i go to the ptitions for new glasses and need a slightly stronger prescription
i get motion sickness for a few days then it balances out and the funny feeling goes way and i can focus better.

I'd say wear your glasses for at least an hour before driving to give your eyes time to adjust.
the more you wear your glasses to less chance fo motion sickness and lack of focus
I wear my glasses all the time and would be lost literally :lol: with out them
sarah :wave:

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