advice please girls!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Last year i was going to a hairdressers and paying roughly £60 - the last time i went she really buggered my hair up (she bleached it then dryed it with the hairdryer with the bleach still ON!!0 so as you can imagine it singed all my hair and is a complete mess, i have been going to another hairdressers who have been colouring it since BUT it seems so flat, dull and the colour seems to fade after only a few weeks....SO i thought, for a treat seen as though my birthday is coming up, i would go somewhere a bit more expensive and have them see what they can do with it - i have just rung them and they said it will cost around £90 - do you think this is a rip off?? how much do you usually pay?
For a cut and all over colour I would say it seems OK - I'm having my hair done this Sat (cut short with some low-lights, not all over colour) and I'm taking (well OH is :D) £100 cash :oops:
It shouldn't come to that, but I don't want to take too little money!

I would maybe ring around someother places, but for a "posh" place it sounds about right to me :)
£45 for highlights and cut and blow dry, I've been going to the same one for about 6 years and they do a great job.

I've looked at prices and Toni & Guy and places like that but they were charging loads, I dunno what the end result would be like but I find that after I've had my hair done its gorgeous for a day or two then after I've washed it myself at home it never goes the same so I refuse to pay too much :)
I got to Image on city road and it costs me £25 for it cut, washed and strightend. They do an amazing job and each time you go they give you points towards either a free hair cut/colour/products. Id recomend there. My hair is like straw but they make it really soft and silky :D
I pay £15 :D

I get a 3 colur highlights, cut & blow dry & straighten.

But i do go to a college, where studients do them but they do a great job and i am very fussy.

But i would not pay that. I used to pay £60 that was enough
I'm not into spending so much on myself, so my next haircut will probably be done at the college by their students, lol bargain :)
im just sick of the way my hair is at the moment and thought if i go to somewhere where they are really professional and that they may be able to do something with it??? :think:
Reminds me - I went around for 6 months wearing a hat because I hated my hair so much :roll:
I pay around £35 for a cut. Last year I had a cut and colour which cost £75. Im getting it done again when baby is born
she also said it is an assistant director who will be doing it for me

there are 4 types of people - graduate, designer, assitant director and director so im guessing they will be quite experienced?
MissGobby said:
she also said it is an assistant director who will be doing it for me

there are 4 types of people - graduate, designer, assitant director and director so im guessing they will be quite experienced?

Oh well in that case I would definitely go there! Its worth a try, they might sort it out properly for you! :)
I've done my own hair for years :o trims, fringes, layers, colour from Boots, but it's about time I had a proper cut at a hairdressers as I don't really know what I'm doing! It's soooo expensive would rather spend it on my children! One of these days I will treat myself :wink:
x-kirsty-x said:
MissGobby said:
she also said it is an assistant director who will be doing it for me

there are 4 types of people - graduate, designer, assitant director and director so im guessing they will be quite experienced?

Oh well in that case I would definitely go there! Its worth a try, they might sort it out properly for you! :)
thanks hunny - i think i am going to go, i mean it is my birthday treat and well, Danny isnt home for my birthday, so might as well have something i want hey? :wink:
My MIL does all our hair, (mine DH and DD) and we get lunch or dinner for our troubles of visiting needless to say i don't plan on changing my hairdresser for a VERY long time :rotfl:
Go on treat yourself!

I think it sounds great if it's assistant director doing it!

I went to one of our more expensive hairdressers recently but went on trainee night - the owner was watching the student and also helping out and it cost a fiver for my cut! Bargain! :cheer:
Before I got pregnant I paid £75 for highlights and cut and blow dry :D Go for it, treat yourself :wink: I cant wait for LO to get here so I can go get my hair done again :cheer: :hug:
I pay £7.50 for a cut, blow dry & straightened at our local college. And colour it myself :D
That sounds reasonable Miss G, in my pre-James days I used to pay around £100 at Toni and Guys to have my hair dyed blonde.

These days its a £30 cheapy at the salon down the road for me, no blonde hair either, it's too expensive :cry:

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